Letter from W. Corbyn to Messrs. Ludlow & Smith, Dec 13, 1849
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Ludlow-Field-Maury Family Papers, Missouri Historical SocietySource
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[page 1] Messrs Ludlow & Smith
Your last letter with one to Miss Cushman was duly received and the lady desires me to thank you for your kind consideration in the regard to securing Rooms at the St Charles, but Miss C. is particularly anxious to obtain Rooms with board and attendance away from any Hotel; such, she says, as she had when in New Orleans some years ago. Viz[?]: A large well furnished sitting Room, a Bedroom for herself & Miss Hayes (a ladie who accompanies her) and accommodation for her servant Girl. — Mr. Holland I believe, got these accommodations for her in the former instance & I write him by this Mail requesting him to try what he can do in this respect again. Will it be asking too much of you to speak with him on this subject or let me know if her wishes can be met. You know all Orleans so well
[page 2] that I am induced thus boldly to trouble you. Another point also causes us some anxiety. – Miss Cushman has with her a free colored servant girl, who from years' experience in attending upon her at the Theatre as Dresser & is most important to her in business. Now this girl must come with her & Miss C fears that your authorities or those of some other city will seize her & put a temporary stop to our movements either on our way to, or, in the city of New Orleans. Will your write me clearly on this point directing me how to ensure the girl's safety from arrest or stoppage! A few +++ also as to the tune actually. Necessary to travel from Cincinnatti [sic] to New Orleans direct — & a few of the names of the best boats New +++ that trip[?] will greatly oblige me. I shalll beg in New York from Decr 24th till Jany 14th 1850 and your reply will catch me
[page 3] till that date. Our business continues great and I anticipate a +++ engagement in New York as we play there +++ Holiday weeks. Looking forward to the time we shall meet I remain very truly Your
W. Corbyn
Messrs. Ludlow & Smith
+++ Jany 3d Advising[?] that she take lodgings at the St Charles or Verandah. Telling him to take ten days at least from Cincinnati