Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Mr Hitchcock, Sep 2, 1868

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Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Mr Hitchcock, Sep 2, 1868


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


In this letter, Charlotte Cushman discusses changes to her will after her mother's death. Mr. Hitchcock is Cushman "legal adviser" as mentioned in a letter to William Bridges.


Hitchcock Family Papers, Missouri Historical Society


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Hitchcock Family Papers, MOHS





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[page 1] Care of Addison Child Esq
Dear Mr Hitchcock
since I made my will on Aug. 7 1865. I have lost my dear mother & my estate has increased in value, so that I can with safety make a somewhat different division of the interests accruing therefrom. To that end I enclose you a rough memoranda of my wishes. numbered in order from 1. to 12: corresponding with which. I have made pencil memoranda of no's [last two words inserted] on the margin of my will above mentioned. which I also enclose to you with this note & memoranda. If it is possible to make a codicil to this said will cover

[page 2] the different changes I wish to make. I shall be glad. if you will draw up any such paper & forward it to me here. If it is not possible. & it should be nescessary [sic] in your best judgement to have another will drawn up. You shall use your best leisure to have prepared for me, any such [inserted] paper or will [last two words inserted] which you consider nescessary [sic] to come the ground contained in my memoranda enclosed— which I have signed, in presence of my friend Mrs Addison Child of Swampscott. That in the event of any accident to me. between now & the time such paper shall be signed. my will may, of possible, be administered according to the changes I have indicated in this memoranda—and such paper that you prepare for me. you will perhaps send to me here. if before the 25" of this month. or to the care of Mrs Ellery Sedgwick

[page 3] Lenox. after the 25th Sept & before the 2d of October. After that. I shall be on my way to St Louis. but perhaps the paper had better be signed before I go west! on the 5" page of said will beforementioned between the 18" & 30" lines there is already an "item" contained in Eleven lines. which may cover. some of the memoranda I have made. but I have drawn your attention to them by members 1 to 12. for fear of accident. It has struck me that as the estate can now afford it. it would be better to give regular annuities, as I have indicated, +++ [inserted] instead of fractional divisions of whole estate. & thus save my trustees from any questionings or doubts. but if you think other—I shall be glad of any suggestions on your part. & not to engage more of your time— remain as Ever—very faithfully & truly Your obliged.
Charlotte Cushman


Swampscott, MA, US

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Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876, “Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Mr Hitchcock, Sep 2, 1868,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 3, 2024, https://archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/963.

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