"Charlotte Cushman's Will," Boston Daily Globe, May 2, 1876

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"Charlotte Cushman's Will," Boston Daily Globe, May 2, 1876


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
Stebbins, Emma, 1815-1882
Relationships-- Intimate--Same-sex
Mercer, Sallie


The article gives a detailed account of people and "annuities" as mentioned in Cushman's will. It also quotes from the original document.
Stebbins is named last for the first group of people which includes mostly family members and Sallie Mercer. Stebbins receives the highest yearly payment, together with Cushman's brother Charles, and she inherits the house and premises at Newport for "use." Her relationship to Cushman is not further defined, she is simply called "the sculptor." However, the house and the amount of money she receives as a yearly allowance speak to Stebbins's position. Stebbins is thus not listed among the "friends" who also receive a sum of $250 to purchase a "souvenir" that should remind them of Cushman.







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Its Provisions and Bequests--The Bulk of Her Property to be Held in Trust

By the will of Charlotte Cushman, which was duly admitted to probate at newport, R.I., yesterday, the whole estate of the deceased actress is given in trust to her firends, Waman Crow, Edwin C. Cushman and William A. Hargadine, all of St. Louis, December 29, 1872. This was in order to assure good management for the whole of her widely scattered estate. She reserved the right to dispose of any or all of said trust property, by her last will and testament, which was duly executed at Chicago, III., on the 11th of January, 1873, and was intended as the exercise of the power of the testamentary disposition and appointment reserved to her by the above-mentioned conveyance in trust. Among the annuities which it is provided shall be paid are $1500 yearly to her brother Charles A. Cushman; $750 each to her nieces Rosalie and Mabel Muspratt of Liverpool, while single, and $1000 when married; to the three children of her half nephew, ALexander Cushman, $333 33 [?, sic] yearly; to her half-sister, Mrs. Isabella Weld, $5 per week; to Emma Stebbins, the sculptor, $1500 per year, with the use of house and premises at Newport; to Sallie Mercer, an old servant, $500 a year and use of house during life.
The remaining income from the property is given as follows, by the will: So long, and whenever any child or children or my nephew, Edwin C. Cushman, shall be living, the trustees in their discretion, from such remaining income during the minority of such child or children, shall pay to sald Edwin C. Cushman, for the education and maintenance of such child and children, respectively such sum or sums as said trustees may think best. The remaining income to be paid to Edwin C. Cushman upon his own order and for his own use for life; but any portion of said income, which for the year when the same shall accrue, which he shall not require to be paid to him shall be added to the principal of the trust estate. By a codicil dated at Chicago, III., Hanuary 11, 1873, Miss Cushman gives to her friends Wayman Crow, William A. Hargadine of St. Louis, Dennis R. ATwood of AUburn, N.Y., MAry Garland of New York, ANgeline Fleming of New York, ELizabeth Peabody of Cambridge, Mass., Gibson Peacock and MAria Peacock, his wife, of Phildelphia, Anne Sever of Boston, Mary Martin of AUburn, N.Y., the sum of $250 each"for the purchase of such souvenirs shall best please her or him, as a remembrance or memorial of me," and $50 to her friend Elizabeth Drugman[?] of London for like purpose.


Boston, MA, US

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“"Charlotte Cushman's Will," Boston Daily Globe, May 2, 1876,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 3, 2024, https://archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/659.

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