Celia Logan

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Celia Logan


Connelly, Celia (Logan), Mrs., 1837-1904


Logan is a correspondent and circulates several accounts about Cushman after the latter's death in 1876. She claims to have performed with Cushman and to know her from personal encounters. Additionally, she marries Conrad B. Clarke with whom Cushman allegedly had a romantic relationship.
She also writes dramas and appears as a lecturer in the press.



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Biographical Text

"journalist and dramatist, bom in Philadelphia, Pa., in 1840. She was in girlhood a writer of graceful verse. When she arrived at the age of maturity she went to London, Eng., where for some years she filled a highly responsible position in a large publishing house as a critical reader of submitted manuscripts and a corrector and amender of those accepted for publication. The works she examined were chiefly ficion. but there were also many scientific works upon which she sat in judgment. While in London, and subsequently during several years' residence in France and Italy, Mrs. Logan was a regular correspondent of the Boston "Saturday Evening Gazette " and the "Golden Era " of San Francisco. She also won considerable fame as a writer of short stories for the magazines of England and the United States. After the Civil War she returned to this country. She lived in Washington, D.C., writing stories and corresponding for several journals. At length she became associate editor of lion Piatt's paper, "The Capital." As is the case of hundreds of other journalistic writers, it has been her fortune to do much of her best work in an impersonal way. In addition to her original writing, she has done much work as a translator from the French and Italian. Curiously enough, hrr first efforts in that field were made in converting American war news from English into Latin. She lived in Milan, Italy, during the Civil War. The facilities of the Milanese press for obtaining American war news were then much below what was demanded by the importance of the occasion. Mrs. Logan was know n as one of the literati, and as it was understood that she regularly received news from her ow n country concerning the struggle, the directors of the Milanese press appealed to her for aid. Not then being sufficiently acquainted with Italian to translate into that language, and English being a sealed book to Milanese journalist-., a compromise suggested by her was tried and proved to be a happy solution of the difficulty. She first put the American war news into Latin, and then the journalists turned the Latin into Italian. Another important branch of Mrs Logan's literary work has been the rewriting, adapting and translating of plavs. As in the case of her editorial work, much Of the credit of what she has done in that direction has gone to others, w ho have w on fame and fortune by her literary anil dramatic talent. One of her works, the drama "An American Marriage," has been eminently suc- cessful. Her intimate relations with the stage ha\e given her unusual advantages for critical judgment upon it and literary work pertaining to it. She contributed to the " Sunday Dispatch " a few \t .ir> ago a long series of articles under the tide, " These Our Actors," which attracted much comment. Her first original play was entitled " Rose." It was produced in San Francisco by Lew is Morrison and his wife, and played by them throughout the country. The next was a comedy called " The Odd Trick." in w hich William Mestayer made his first appearance as a star. In her third play Fav Teinpleton as a child made a great hit. The Vilas starred in her drama of " The Homestead," and it is a fact that within the past few years there has been no time when this author has not had a play on the boards somewhere. Her successful rearrangements and adaptations from the French are "Gaston Cadol, or A Son of the Soil," used as a star piece by Frederick Warde, "The Sphinx." "Miss Multon," " Froment Jeune," by Daudet. and a "Marriage In High Life." Her original novels are entitled "Her Strange Fate" and " Sarz, A Story of the Stage." Her latest work is upon the subject of corpulence, called "How to Reduce Your Weight, or to Increase It." For several years past she has lived in New York City. She became the wife while living in France, of Aimer K. Kellogg, an artist, and she was married a second time, to James H. Connelly, an author."
[Source: Willard, Frances Elizabeth. A Woman of the Century. Moulton 1893]
married Conrad B. Clarke in 1852, according to History of the American Stage (1870); also according to Llerena Friend's introduction to M.K. Kellogg's Texas Journal (1872), Celia Logan married Kellogg in 1858
"Celia Logan is lecturing on 'Actresses.'" The Lake Geneva Herald Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, April 13, 1883, https://www.newspapers.com/image/588475903/?terms=%22celia%20logan%22%20%22charlotte%20cushman%22&match=1. Accessed 19 April 2021)
"This eveing Miss Maud Granger and an excellent company will appear at the Chestnut Street Theatre in Celia Logan's new play, An American Marriage" ("Popular Entertainments," Philadelphia Inquirer, Dec 21, 1885, https://www.newspapers.com/image/167244436/?terms=%22celia%20logan%22%20%22charlotte%20cushman%22&match=1. Accessed 19 April 2021.)
"Description of the history of a dagger used by Macready while playing a Cincinnati engagement of Macbeth, Charlotte Cushman, and Eliza Logan, who "invariably played the dagger when performing Juliet." In the hand of Celia Logan, who donated it to "Aunt Louisa" Eldridge for the Actors' Fund fair. Signed 'Celia Logan, New York, 1892.'" (Source: Folger Shakespeare Library)

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“Celia Logan,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 3, 2024, https://archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/649.

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