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"Charlotte Cushman's First Appearance in England," Harper's Bazaar, March 18, 1876

1876. Harpers Bazar. Cushman in England..pdf
James H. Siddons gives a very intimate account of Charlotte Cushman's rise to success in England and describes her struggles and strategies, including a press network and behind-the-scenes accounts. Maddox is characterized as a capitalist,…

"Charlotte Cushman," Harper's Weekly, March 4, 1876

1876. Harpers Weekly. Biography + Foreign Gossip Column.pdf
Almost the same wording as in the Harper's Bazar article from Nov 14, 1874. The excerpt also includes the foreign gossip column. Credit American Antiquarian Society

Greenwood's "Notes from over the Sea," New York Times, Jan 9, 1876

Greenwood recounts some of her travel experiences from Switzerland. She writes this report in Paris on Dec 20, 1875. Greenwood includes the beautiful scenery, reminiscences of a late friend and the discomforts of her travels.

Greenwood's "Notes from over the Sea," New York Times, Sep 6, 1875

Greenwood writes this note in Lucerne, on Aug 15, 1875. She reviews some performances she witnessed in England during her travels. She mentions Henry Irving, Isabel Bateman, and Salvini.

"Current Gossip," Chicago Tribune, Aug 23, 1875 to Aug 7, 1887

1877. Chicago Daily Tribune. Brewster Column.pdf
"Current Gossip" is a column in the Chicago Tribune that gives accounts of any political, cultural, or social news. Anne Brewster has contributed reports from Rome as a correspondent.The included file only serves as an example illustration of the…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Helen Hunt, July 24, 1875

Charlotte Cushman is in pain. This letter is answered by Helen Hunt on July 29, 1875. Cushman encourages Helen Hunt to settle down and marry: "about your marriage. It is better, so infinitely better, happier, wiser gooder[?], so I rejoice with all my…

Transcript of Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Rosalie, May 27, 1875

JLP 1, CC to Rosalie, May 27, 1875.pdf
Charlotte Cushman advises Rosalie to exchange letters with her uncle Charles as she does not want to write the same things twice.Rosalie's sister Mabel will come to see Cushman and Charlotte advises them on how to proceed with customs if officers try…

Transcript of Letter from Emma Stebbins to Sidney Lanier, May 2, 1875

JLP 2 Stebbins to Lanier, May 2, 1875.pdf
Both Charlotte Cushman and Emma Stebbins are friends with Lanier. A college of music is about to be established in NYC. Stebbins offers Lanier to introduce him to a relative who is involved in the college project. Stebbins mentions a farewell…

Transcript of Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Rosalie, April 18 + 25, 1875

JLP 1, CC to Rosalie, April 18, 1875 - OV Omeka.pdf
Charlotte Cushman wants Rosalie to get a baby girl, discusses her health, Ned's business. Cushman informs Rosalie that she is in Newport at the moment and will go to Baltimore in April for an engagement. Charlotte would like to be with Rosalie or…

Greenwood's "Notes from over the Sea," New York Times, 1875 to 1883

In her column "Notes from over the Sea", published in the New York Times, Grace Greenwood reports on her travels outside of the United States. She comments on various events, such as art exhibitions, stage performances, and social receptions,…

Transcript of Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Rosalie, Dec 22, 1874

JLP 1, CC to Rosalie, Dec 22, 1874.pdf
Lately, Cushman has been very ill again. She made Stebbins write to Rosalie. Rosalie's sister Mabel is supposed to marry: "make her sensible of the obligation she has taken upon herself - & and its serious importance upon her whole life. A…

Letter from Emma Stebbins to Emma Crow Cushman, Nov 23, 1874

LoC. Cushman 13-1-3.pdf
Stebbins writes that the newspapers have been writing "exaggerated reports" about Cushman, which have been causing her great anxiety. An unfavorable paragraph about Cushman will appear in the Cincinnati Enquirer the following morning, which they have…

"Charlotte Cushman," Harper's Bazaar, Nov 14, 1874

1874. Harpers Bazar.pdf
The article summarizes Charlotte Cushman's "brave career." According to the author, Cushman could "exhibit her grand queenliness, her womanly sweetness and dignity." Cherishing most of her performances, the article criticizes the applause she…

Final New York Performance on Nov 7, 1874

1874. The_Boston_Globe_Farewell. Omeka.pdf
Charlotte Cushman performs for Booth's Theater in New York for the last time. She acts as Lady Macbeth on stage together with George Vandenhoff among others. Credit only attached as illustration)

Transcript of Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Rosalie, Oct 11, 1874

JLP 1, CC to Rosalie, Oct 11, 1874.pdf
Charlotte Cushman mentions past quarrels between Rosalie/her husband and the Muspratts. Ned Cushman is conducting business in Charlotte's name.Cushman mentions her reading tour, which exhausts her. She is too ill to cross the ocean and visit…

Letter from Wayman Crow to Charlotte Cushman, Oct 10, 1874 + Letter from Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, Oct 13, 1874

CCP 10, WC to CC, Oct 10, 1874.pdf
This letter informs Cushman about the opportunity to "dispose of Villa Cushman" which is also referred to as her "cottage." Attached to it, there is the legal letter correspondence. Crow is Cushman's attorney.Cushman uses the same sheets of paper to…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Miss Lloyd, Sep 23, 1874

Huntington. mssCB378. Cushman_to_Mary_Lloyd.pdf
Cushman apologizes to Miss Lloyd for not answering her correspondence lately. She has been engrossed in her occupational duties, which she had taken on again to distract from her anxiety.She is also under the care of a new hydropath and while her…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Helen Hunt, Aug 16, 1874

Charlotte Cushman discusses further engagements and tells Hunt about her "friend Miss Stebbins" who accompanies her. Emma Stebbins's mother died.Transcripts courtesy of Nancy Knipe, Colorado College.

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Annie Fields, Apr 1, 1874

CC to AF, 1874-04-01.pdf
Cushman ponders reading Longfellow's Judas Maccabaeus with an orchestra and informs Annie that Emma Stebbins' sister is with her to be nursed at the moment. Credit Huntington Library, James Thomas Fields Papers and Addenda