Letter from Wayman Crow to Charlotte Cushman, Oct 10, 1874 + Letter from Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, Oct 13, 1874

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Letter from Wayman Crow to Charlotte Cushman, Oct 10, 1874 + Letter from Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, Oct 13, 1874


Crow, Wayman, 1808-1885
Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
Cushman, Emma Crow, 1839-1920
Actors and Actresses
Social Events--Travels


This letter informs Cushman about the opportunity to "dispose of Villa Cushman" which is also referred to as her "cottage." Attached to it, there is the legal letter correspondence. Crow is Cushman's attorney.
Cushman uses the same sheets of paper to address a letter to Emma Cushman in which she is amused about the offer. She comments on an article that criticized her performance. Cushman sends several books to Emma's children.
Another two pages are written by W. Crow but no letter head is visible. These pages include travel instructions.
The last two pages are a letter from Crow to Cornelia, no date or place given.


Library of Congress, Charlotte Cushman Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


Crow, Wayman, 1808-1885


LoC, CCP 10: 3004-3007





Letter Item Type Metadata


[3004] St Louis Oct 10. 1874

My dear Miss Cushman

The annexed has just been recd by me frm [sic] Brower & I forward it without delay lest you Miss  so good an oppty to dispose of Villa Cushman—we are very well & I have been very busy Since my arrival on Tuesday p.m. weather lovely & a grand week we have had for the fair & a grand fair too it was—St Louis is more than ever assumed in its future—mony [sic] easy here—Your age is about even on books[?]—All send love to you, I hope you hear yr work well

Yrs hastily

Wayman Crow

we were very comfortable at 118 E. +++ Street—

[3005, new letter, same ] Cincinnati Oct 9th A. Brown Esq.. Attorney at Law—

Dear Sir

I am authorized by R.W. Burnet [Bumet?] to offer, through you; as attorney for Miss Cushman. to exchange Mrs R.W. Burnet's [Bumet's?] interest in the Spencer House property in this City, for Miss Cushman's cottage in New Port, Rhode Island.

Yours truly

Jacob. S. Burnet [Bumet?]


[new letter] Miss Charotte Cushman

 Dear Madam

Mr Burnt[?, Burnet? Bumet?] has just handed me the above— If you desire to make such an exchange please inform me of the value of your Newport Property—& I will give you my opinion as to the value of the one

[3005 reverse] half of the fee +++ of the Spencer House lot.—+++ +++ Yrs

A Brower[?]


[new letter, Cushman used the same sheet of paper to write a letter to Emma Crow and forward the letter from Emma’s father to Emma] Boston Mass. O. 13 1874

Darling mine.

Read the enclosed which will give you news of your father & also amuse you I think about the Villa Cushman. I suppose your father is joking when he sais [sic] a good opportunity of deposing[?] of Villa Cushman. It only proves that somebody would like it. If I had known as much when I +++ it as I know now. I would have bought the +++ Segwick place at Lenox +++

I read last night. Virginia was a success. though the +++ Editor of the Journal this morning says I "mistook the right emphasis sometimes". what about you think of that? "+++ +++ first & last play. & 'La Cica' went well. & the Bridge of Syks also +++ better but not good or it ought to have been for such +++ on morning is very cold & grey. I was almost perished in getting my walk around the common. have just come up from it. having had visiters [sic] —aunt Em +++  he that +++. Mrs Garlands [sic] mind—said her mother would not let her go so far as St Louis. I am so very sorry. for she is a real treasure! Mrs Garland has +++ such a stupid thing in letting her go. poor soul! Dont [sic] forget to send the Astrackan cap or aunt E +++ take the fur off the foundation & send it by parcels post

[written across the page] after you have +++ it up. Take it down to the post office & let them tell you the postage—Dear love to my precious boys. +++ +++ sent 27 volumes to Newport for them yesterday & there will be 22 more +++. They will have quite a little library—& they are such good books for them God +++ you. prays ever

Your own fond


[3006, new letter, W. Crow’s handwriting; wrong order of sheets assigned by archivists; read: 3006 reverse, 3006]

Train for Cleveland a car marked "thro' to Chicago' on the left of your train as you get out in the depot, & send a Telegram (as herewith) to Cleaveland for a sleeping car there to Indianapolis—you arrive at 7.10 at Cleveland, & +++ the sleeping car & on your right at the rear & getting your seats & +++  your luggage have time to go into the Restaurant on the left & get a good supper at Indianapolis you arrive at 7' am & home time to get breakfast one the left & to send a Telegram to 'St Louis informing me of your arrival that evening—on the train before you arrive a baggage man will come thro' for your checks (the tickets to ferry C.o which the +++ gives you pays for Baggage too) & gives you a memo. you giving as +++ 3 U5 north for Street Corner olive, & at 8 we shall expect you to supper,

Yrs truly
W. Crow

[3006 reverse] Go to 79 Washington Street & get tickts this thro' St Louis via Albany, Buffalo, +++ & Indianapolis & +++ +++. & at same time take one Central Section in sleeping Car from Springfield[?]—Start at. 3. P.M—& have your luggage checked thro' to St Louis—better be at the Station by 2 1/2 o.'clk— on arrival at Springfield at  this Sleeping Car will come up in rear of your train & you can move into it, it takes you to Rochester next morning by 8 45 & possibly a night & possibly a night car attached to same train from N. York may be running thro' to Buffalo, if so you Can move into it for Buffalo of if the Sleeping Car dont [sic] go to Buffalo into another Car—a good cup of Coffeee can be had there—at Buffalo you take the

[3007, new letter] Dear Cornelia Monday am

I had yesterday yours of wednesday I hope the party to Miss C. passed e will—+++ have a gentle rain this +++  which is very much needed  needed—+++ & the two girls return quite +++ —Silly Mr C. is coming out quite supprisingly & by the time her mother brings her back frm +++ well in rather in attitire gine & think—+++ Whittaker has called to N. York two day, after +++  by illness of +++ the +++ & right hand me of be telegraphed Saturday night he could not get well +++ my thought

[3007 reverse] which a good deal upsets Mr W. +++  will  see John at Newport as they are so inseperable Nilsson  to be here tomorrow & to sing +++  we shall call to see her & go to hear her too! & Mr Yeatman is uncertain when he can at off perhaps Friday or Saturday—if he cant [sic]  go in a week I must give it out— Mr Ki got home Saturday

you heard Ned way in on time & went to Washington where he met Rbt [Robert?] & Isabel

later +++ +++ +++ & no doubt they all had a  good time— all good time all +++ & all send love yrs truly



Crow, Wayman, 1808-1885


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


St. Louis, MO, US

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Crow, Wayman, 1808-1885, “Letter from Wayman Crow to Charlotte Cushman, Oct 10, 1874 + Letter from Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, Oct 13, 1874,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 3, 2024, https://archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/283.

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