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"Interesting to Ladies," Home Journal, March 4, 1854

1854. Home Journal. Interesting to the Ladies - Cushman - Greenwood.pdf
Eliza Cook and Grace Greenwood are mentioned as Charlotte Cushman's intimate friends and Charlotte is characterized as feminine and honorable."Interesting to the Ladies" in the Home Journal, March 4, 1854, reprinted a note (presumably) first…

Biographical sketch of Charlotte Cushman in The New York Dramatic Mirror (published after her death), including a "Hitherto Unpublished Letter"

TULSA_NY Dramatic Mirror. Review of Cushman career. n.d. but after 1876.pdf
This article in The New York Dramatic Mirror offers a short, yet laudatory summary of Cushman's theatrical achievements, praising her "stage life [as] one long triumph, covering a period of many years. Her private life was equally triumphant, as…

"She Wears a Peruke," Hartford Daily Courant, Jan 26, 1877

1877. Hartford Faily Courant. Brewster Column (1).pdf
Brewster reports on her sighting of Eugénie of France at the Vatican. She recounts her shock at the appearance of the Empress, as Brewster had previously known her for her "rare beauty." Especially her peruke aroused outrage among the…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Edwin Cushman, Aug 2, 1869

CCP 4, 1165-1185, CC to ECC 1869 August (1)-22-23.pdf
In this hastily written note, Cushman bids Ned goodbye and safe travels. Credit Library of Congress, Charlotte Cushman Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, Aug 20, 1869

CCP 4, 1165-1185, CC to ECC 1869 August (1)-1-6.pdf
Cushman has been restricted to bed by her doctor's orders. After a night's rest, he has found the breast hard but intends to consult a professor of surgery before he proceeds.She regrets that Emma's Nannie will not stay with her in Malvern and…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, July 25, 1869

CCP 4, 1153-1156, CC to ECC 1869 July.pdf
Cushman thanks Emma for the photographs she sent, especially the one of Carlino, which she put in a locket. She jokingly states that Carlino might rival Wayman as the most handsome of the family one day. She asks when Emma and her children will visit…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, June 27, 1869

CCP 4, 1134-1143, CC to ECC 1869 June-1-3.pdf
Cushman is feeling much better because of her water treatment. She deeply misses Emma and her children and hopes that they will join her in Malvern after their return from Paris.Rosalie has improved in health, in part due to Cushman's care, and will…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Miss Lloyd, Sep 23, 1874

Huntington. mssCB378. Cushman_to_Mary_Lloyd.pdf
Cushman apologizes to Miss Lloyd for not answering her correspondence lately. She has been engrossed in her occupational duties, which she had taken on again to distract from her anxiety.She is also under the care of a new hydropath and while her…

Letter from Emma Stebbins to Emma Crow Cushman, [Oct] 26, [1869]

LoC. Cushman 13-6-8.pdf
Stebbins writes about their strenuous journey to Malvern and the mishaps along the way. They had to stop over in Carlisle but have arrived safely in Stockport. She asks Emma Cushman to arrange for lodging in Malvern, preferably at Knotsford…

Letter from Emma Stebbins to Emma Crow Cushman, Nov 23, 1874

LoC. Cushman 13-1-3.pdf
Stebbins writes that the newspapers have been writing "exaggerated reports" about Cushman, which have been causing her great anxiety. An unfavorable paragraph about Cushman will appear in the Cincinnati Enquirer the following morning, which they have…

Anne Brewster's "Miss Cushman," Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Aug 1878

1878. August. Blackwoods Magazine. Brewster about CC Omeka.pdf
Anne Brewster describes the relationship between herself and Charlotte Cushman starting at the beginning of the 1840s as an "intimacy" and "intimate friendship". Together they were reading plays and preparing for Charlotte's performances on stage.…

Anne Hampton Brewster

Photograph of Anne Hampton Brewster
Anne Hampton Brewster is an American novelist, journalist and foreign correspondent. She is born to Maria Hampton and Francis Enoch Brewster. In the 1840s, Brewster and Charlotte Cushman meet in Philadelphia, where Cushman is manager of the Walnut…

Byrne's Gossip of the Century: Personal and Traditional Memories (1892)

Byrne_Gossip of the Century, Vol. 1 (1892).pdf
A retrospective account of Cushman as actress and of her private life: The Memories serve as a good example for how the public image changes after Cushman's death and her success as an actress is being forgotten step by step.Gossip of the Century…

Charlotte Cushman's Diary, 1844/1845 (reused)

DMR CC diary 1844 45 Jan - Mar.pdf
Charlotte Cushman writes a diary in 1844 and 1845. In October 1844, she gets on a steamer to go to Liverpool. In England, she hopes to be successful enough to enable her love, Rosalie Sully, to always be with her. The journey is rough and Charlotte…

Cobbe's Italics: Brief Notes on Politics, People and Places in Italy (1864)

Cobbe_Italics. Brief notes on politics, people, and places in Italy, in 1864 excerpt1.pdf
Among others, the text mentions Hosmer and Cushman. Cobbe describes the Cushman household as a "women club." Credit Hathi Trust

Cushman and Hays Performing Together, Era, Nov 19, 1848

This press report covers Matilda Hays and Charlotte Cushman's performance on stage as Romeo and Juliet. It describes Hays as Cushman's "protege." Credit

Cushman's first professional appearance as Countess Almaviva in The Marriage of Figaro, April 1835

On April 8, 1835, Cushman made her debut on the stage at the Tremont Theatre in Boston in the role of Countess Almaviva in The Marriage of Figaro. While Cushmam's performance seemingly betrayed her nerves, contemporary reviews praised her…

Daniel Holmes's Journal History of a Young Lady (1848-1851)

Mss .S477 .a diary entry on CC long. Omeka.pdf
The following information is provided by the Boston Athenaeum:"Journal describing his life as a merchant in New Orleans, and his young family, particularly the development of his first daughter, Georgine, and the birth, illness, and death of his…