Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, Aug 20, 1869

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Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, Aug 20, 1869


Crow, Wayman, 1808-1885
Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
Cushman, Edwin "Ned" Charles, 1838-1909
Cushman, Emma Crow, 1839-1920
Travel Reports
Muspratt, Susan Cushman, 1822-1859


Cushman has been restricted to bed by her doctor's orders. After a night's rest, he has found the breast hard but intends to consult a professor of surgery before he proceeds.
She regrets that Emma's Nannie will not stay with her in Malvern and suggests persuading her to stay with her for a fortnight before she sails in Liverpool.
Cushman recommends Ned to return with John to Wayman because she fears that John may "influence [Wayman's] mind with regard to Ned." Wayman might think that Ned stayed behind for "some shooting", which would only confirm his assessment of Ned as "pleasure-seeking."
Cushman advises Ned to accept Clanson's proposal for the trial as he would not only get back his money if he was not satisfied with the results but also gain important business experience and relations.


Library of Congress, Charlotte Cushman Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


LoC, CCP 4: 1165-1168





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[1165] Dearest Daughter.
a thousand thanks. for your welcome note [?] of this mornings [sic] receipt with all its Enclosures. some of which I +++ to you. I have been kept to bed by the Drs [sic] orders this morning as he wished to see my breast after a nights [sic] rest. He has been to the falls of Clyde this morning & only just returned. at 11 o'clock which has made me late. He finds the breast +++ hard from the rest. but before deciding any thing has asked me to let him bring the Proffessor [sic] of surgery from the college! He wont [sic] tell him any +++ of his own. But will let him say what +++ & what is to be done. so I am kept in bed until he comes. &

[1165 added vertically] done. but who knows whether he was +++ an opinion [?], that he was but I might be +++ +++ if he had not done what he did.

[1165 reverse] for fear I may not have time [?] to write all I would say. I have asked for pencil & paper to send a word to you. I am so very sorry that Nannie [?] wills to go so soon & will not come to you for a little to Malvern. She will get home in the worst of the warm weather in Baltimore. She might stay a fortnights [sic] visit to you very well & go by the +++. where I could have her so well taken care of by Judkins [?]. he would have her up in his state room on +++ & she could be much more jolly with him than with +++ who is grumpy & +++ on +++ but perhaps she has friends +++ in the +++ Russian [?]. I hope

[1166] you can persuade her to stay & pay you a visit of her passage in +++. she can very easily transfer it. & the +++ is so much easier to sail in. & I will wish to +++ +++ to have +++ care of her. If Ned goes by the Russian [?]. which I sincerely hope he will do. it would be pleasant for you to have Nannie [?] with you for a fortnight or so. and then if you came up to Liverpool to see her off. you could bring the children also. to Mrs Williams & after Nannie [?] had sailed. you could take them over to +++ & then I shall hope & expect to miss [?] you. This is of course only a suggestion. but I think by that time. the water treatment will have done

[1166 reverse] its work with you [?] & a change like this will be advisable
Then you & I could get a +++ to +++ taking Wayman with us. & have +++ & baby to the Iron water. which I have. an instance would be good for both of them? But you will do what you think best. Your letters all arrived [?] by the dear one. there [?] is only one +++ from the South in +++ day [?] — Dear Mrs Peabody is very sweet & good & I am grateful to her for her +++ zeal. but I must do. as I must & take the consequences. I have the +++ of positive knowledge [?]. +++ cannot live or die or be judged [?] by the opinion of kindly meaning [?] & loving friends — I must go by positive knowledge of those whom I +++ +++ & thought +++ +++ wrong [?] after [?] he has [?] 

[1167] Darling. I hope seriously that Ned will go with John on the 20". The sooner he goes the better. If John goes home without him. see your father. he may say something — anything. to influence your fathers [sic] mind with regard to Ned. & his doing any thing with Clanson. or if Ned should not go now. but wait until Sept 18. your father might think that Ned was only waiting back for some shooting & thus his character for "pleasure-seeking & not duty doing". will be confirmed still more in your fathers [sic] mind. No it is +++ better that he should go early — for then if it is +++ that business is so awfully dull & bad as your father says. they will see that it is not a time for him to do any thing there.

[1167 reverse] & the years & $ [inserted] 10.000 dollars [inserted] which is all Clanson proposes. will be well spent in the trial! Clanson says 10.000 would be enough. for trial. & at the end of the year. if Ned was not satisfied with the result. he could take my money back again. but +++ is safe & I am satisfied that Ned would get more than his money back. besides making acquaintances in business in London & Italy. such as he cannot make in any other way. & which would be useful for him to take with him into any business in New York. in the future. But Ned must see for himself what your father proposes. and then not be torn [?] by conflicting. but decide at once. I advise him as I would be willing to back him! would any of his other advisers do

[1168] the like? and figures tell! whether or no. I hope sincerely he will go with John in the "Russia". it will be better to see your father at once & he cannot absolutely decide until then I hope you will advise them to go to Susan Cushman. She will make them comfortable. & it will help her & be an immense saving to their pockets. & Ned must remember that when away in America [?] he is using his income very fast & must be thoughtful about what he spends. He must not stop on my account it would be very odd to give such a [illegible, crossed out] evidence of feeling. now for the first time — & besides. the best proof he can give of feeling for me to do that which I beg of him

[1168] Ever my love to your father, dear & thank him for his message. ask him [illegible, crossed out] to send me a draft on John +++ & Co. in favour of Sheridan Muspratt [?] for four hundred & twenty pounds. The bill at 75 [?] days (£420 pounds) This is an old affair. & I am now desirous of sitting & being +++ done with him for good in any money affair! — You may tell your father that [?] there only now remains one hundred & sixty pounds (£160) on the letter of +++ which is to last us till Nov 1st. so +++ +++ ask him. or give Ned instructions. what to do +++ your next letter of +++. which had better be made separately to yours. Ned may find gold [?] down when he gets home & conclude to buy for +++ to you. I dont [sic] believe in gold's keeping down, while it is a speculative +++ 


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Cushman, Emma Crow, 1839-1920


Edinburgh, UK

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Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876, “Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, Aug 20, 1869,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 27, 2024, https://archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/901.

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