Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, Aug 22, 1869

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Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, Aug 22, 1869


Crow, Wayman, 1808-1885
Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
Cushman, Edwin "Ned" Charles, 1838-1909
Cushman, Emma Crow, 1839-1920
Gender Norms
Travel Reports


Cushman's leg is slowly getting better yet is still swollen and inflamed. She offers a home remedy for toothache for Emma's baby. 
Ned is returning to Boston on August 31. Cushman advises him to borrow money upon his return as the conversion from gold to currency would lose him money. Furthermore, his letter of credit is nearly exhausted, which is why he should send Emma one as soon as he returns home so she can be more independent.
Cushman is glad to hear that Emma's children "have made friends with the aristocracy." She suggests that Emma and Ned take the children to Harrogate on their way to Liverpool, which would please Mabel as well. 


Library of Congress, Charlotte Cushman Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


LoC, CCP 4: 1169-1170





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[1169] Darling. I have your welcome note of yesterday. which is very dear & sweet. my leg is better. but still not free from inflamation [sic] & swelling & makes little pits [?] as I press on with my finger [?]. so I shall go on taking this +++. until Sir James is ready for me. I believe it will be over before Ned sails. as his Uncle Charles lets me know he has taken his passage to do on the 31st. to Boston. By the bye. dear. tell Ned to take no money with him more than two or three soverigns [sic]. which he can get of John — & repay him on the other side. if he does. he looses [sic] on his money in getting it converted from currency to gold to get it here & from gold to currency to spend it There. besides he can get what he wants from Mr Crow immediately

[1169 reverse] he gets to Boston. Besides the letter of credit is so nearl [sic] exhausted. That it cannot afford his taking any money with him. & he [?] must send you a letter of credit immediately he gets home which will make you more independent under any or all circumstances. your father meant well by both of you in sending the credit together. but it is not well for you. or for me. & had better be separate I am sure. I find Ned did not see Clanson until Saturday. I am so thankful dear dear Baby has a tooth. what rejoicing. now you must have his jus rubbed regular with a thimble. +++ Balea [?] a common one to keep in her pocket. it is the very best & simplest thing in the world for the purpose. Kiss the darling a hundred times. & tell Balea [?] through +++ it in return [?] for the pretty [?] dress [?] I gave her! ask Sully if a +++ is good when he is so famish from his

[1170] tooth. Bless the darling +++. I can see him so +++. telling you of my +++ ill! Kiss them all dearly & +++ for me. They do not know how I love them. only God knows! I have 2 more letters from dear Mrs Peabody. I will have a letter for her for Ned to take. +++ I wrote my note yesterday — a +++ of it for Ned to keep in his pocket book. show to any body in America who +++ my judgement [sic] in the matter. I know I am right darling at least for my self. & I am naturally anxious to +++ myself pain. I am glad the children have made friends with the aristocracy [?]. they will be more fore. If you come away with Ned to Liverpool why not take them to Harrogate. But perhaps they are better where they are. though I think +++ would be of good to +++. dont [sic] Sully think so? I have a letter from Mabel to day she so hopes you will go

[1170 reverse] to Harrogate. when I get away from here. I hope to have a little bit of blow over those commons. I think it will do me good. Though I am taken [?] +++ enough now to line [?] me with a Thick coat for many a long day! I hope to hear from Ned to +++ of all his talking & thinkings with Clanson. I have been to church this morn +++ just called to dinner. I wish Nannie would be careful & get me [a?] box of powder from Uncle Charles she will find it at his office. with the messenger. if he has to come up to me. God ever love you all my dear ones. prays ever your faithfully devoted


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Cushman, Emma Crow, 1839-1920


Clarendon Hotel, Edinburgh, UK

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Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876, “Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, Aug 22, 1869,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 3, 2024, https://archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/903.

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