Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Edwin Cushman, Aug 23, 1869

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Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Edwin Cushman, Aug 23, 1869


Crow, Wayman, 1808-1885
Cushman, Edwin "Ned" Charles, 1838-1909
United States--New York City
Social Events--Travels


Cushman reprimands Ned for his carelessness in regard to writing his letters and paying the postage. She has read Clanson's letter and approves his business proposal. However, he advises Ned to write Clanson another letter and ask Mr. Crow to obtain a credit for him.
She views this business opportunity as a chance for Ned to win Mr. Crow's favor, should he choose to remain in New York after the probation with Clanson has ended. 


Library of Congress, Charlotte Cushman Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


LoC, CCP 4: 1171-1174





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[1171] Dearest Ned. I have your letter. Enclosing Clansons [sic] which I hereby return. By the way dear. one thing to learn to be particular about is to make sure that your postage is rightly paid. so that your correspondent is not called on for double postage. & your own stamp thrown away. This is to burn the candle at Their ends. you are always much too careless in these things & dont [sic] try to remember that the penny saved is the penny earned. I had to pay 2d. for your letter. you write on heavy paper. write unnecessarily far apart & then have to pay 2d. when 1d. would +++ all you have to say. & your correspondent whoever he may be is always annoyed at having to pay double. for your carelessness.

[1171 reverse] Clansons [sic] letter. seems to me. all that is right. he gives his own knowledge of business and business men. & all his connection [sic]. & an Equal account of money. You only give money. for you have no knowledge. or connections. I think if I were in your place I should propose to him. if you work with him. this [sic] 9 months & bring in any money
you should both of you charge to the profits a fair +++ upon the money invested. to be deducted first from any profits that may be made & then, decide profits. I dont [sic] think it wd. be amiss for you to drop him a line to this effect. or ask him what he thinks of such a proposition. as you wish to be informed on all points before you leave. & then you might ask – "with all due [inserted] respect for your late relations in Napels [sic] I dont [sic] suppose any obligations

[1172] hang around you to "coop up" to check you in any way in your present or future movements." – this will bring you a clear answer on the matter of any debts he may have! His letter shows you that he is honest in allowing you half share of profits & you must of course share the losses. If you decide upon going in with him ask him "what sort of paper would be neccessary [sic] between you. to secure you, in the event of any accident to +++. between +++ & 30" June." You can say to him. "nothing seems likely but an accident might throw me into [?] litigation, which it would be wise to avoid. & I wish to be prepared to speak to my friend, on this point also." – why dont [sic] you ask him simply the question you have asked me

[1172 reverse] +++ +++ any way in the +++ could I legally collect any I have in the profits if there were any. if I could not be legally touched for the losses. if any occur." He will answer friendly! But it seems to me that he +++ +++ +++. in the last two lines on his third a page. you are responsible for losses up to the amount of the capital [?] furnished by you. but no more! I think he is very wise not to want partnership named until you have tried each other. by that time you will see if you like his way of doing business & what is more important when +++ you will get acquainted with business +++. & the way of doing business. which will be useful to you any where & which you have not now! you will not be obliged to sell out your +++ or any thing else at present. you can let Mr Crow see you have hunted & found some thing to +++ upon +++ your hand & that you do not go [?] back empty

[1173] handed for him to help you. all you want of him is to obtain for you a credit with John Thearl [?] & Co of Manchester for £2000. This credit to last for a year if necessary but if Clanson +++ your trial to the 30' of June. you wont [sic] be ready to let him have your decision & any more credit to work upon much before the end of September. so the provisional term will be 9 months. Mr Crow can get this done with Thearl [?] if he likes. if not you can take your +++ & some other stock to cover the value & ask J & J Thearl [?] yourself if they will make you a credit on these securities. which you will deposit with them! Then you will be under no obligation to any one. You must make Clanson allow 5 p cent for your money & his own. & then divide

[1173 reverse] this is what you ought to pay John Thearl [?] for interest. & 1 pecent [sic] for commission. or perhaps Clanson will allow 6 pecent [sic]. which will +++ interest and commission. thus you will not be under obligation. and Mr Crow will be better pleased in the end. Even if you fail. That you have moved of yourself in the matter. Let him see you worked to get business with the Tobacco grain. or produce merchants to get commissions. & There he will be much more ready to assist you next year if you wish to go to New York. It seems to me quite a providential sort of chance for you to try & prove yourself and your ability to work. Emma must be abroad this winter. you will be fine [?] to work. you will be midway between her & America. She can

[1174] join you in 3 days if neccessary [sic] or you can come to her in the same time. and by the time your probation is up with Clanson. she will be in England on her way to America & you will be fine to go with her. or to go into business with Clanson. or to remain in America. by that time John may be able to offer you their agency in New York. at all +++ if you are not too Eager to stay in America. Mr Crow & John, both, will be more eager to help you to remain there. I hope that gold will so go down that you may during the next 9 months. bring £2000 out. for about $13.000. instead of $15.000. If you come up to me, dear, come by a return ticket. or else go up to Liverpool. See Richard

[1174 reverse] Muspratt & Edmund. & then take the night steamer to Glasgow. & by train on to Edinburgh. you will be here about 10 o'clock. a m. & then you [?] could have a talk & you could return to Liverpool to sail. I believe that [?] if you saw Burgess at +++ offer [?] you could get to go by the Russia [sic] if you wished to do so. You see that gold in N.Y. on Saty [?] was 130 3/4. It [?] is on account of the large orders for grain that have gone over. in consequence of the weak harvest here & on the continent. – Vast quantities of cotton are now being sent by rail from Memphis to NY & shipped on steamers to +++port. Cotton spinners are now importing their own cotton direct. you might do something in this way by getting consignments. Good bye dear. my best love to Emma & the darling children. Your loving Auntie


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Cushman, Edwin "Ned" Charles, 1838-1909


Clarendon Hotel, Edinburgh, UK

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Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876, “Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Edwin Cushman, Aug 23, 1869,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 3, 2024, https://archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/904.

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