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  • Tags: illness/death

Letter from Elizabeth Barrett Browning to Arabella Moulton-Barrett, June 11, [1853]

Again, Browning defends Greenwood and characterizes her as an "unassuming & cultivated, a pleasing woman whose prettiness is an open question." A large part of the letter is devoted to spiritualism, a medium, and talking to the death--stories…

Anne Brewster about Spinsterhood and Privacy, Diary Entry Excerpts (1876)

ABP Box 4 5, diary 1876. Joys of Spinsterhood and Privacy.pdf
Brewster describes herself as a solitary old woman and spinster, "in love with my solitary life."By stating that "[i]t will be a hard winter in Rome especially for American astists, for there are no forestieri coming," Brewster assesses the economic…

Anne Brewster about Journalism and Finances, Diary Entry Excerpts (1876)

ABP Box 4 5, diary 1876 concerning journalism and finances.pdf
Brewster writes about health and financial concerns, she receives payment every 6 months and mentions her work for the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, the Boston Advertiser, the N.Y. Graphic, and the New Century.She feels content to be "of money value…

Anne Brewster about Blackwood and Gender Differences, Diary Entry Excerpts (1878)

ABP 5 1, Diary 1878, consideration of Blackwood. Gender Differences.pdf
The diary entries include discussions of illness, Brewster's anticipation of death, social networking, and payment negotiations with the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin and the Evening Telegraph. Brewster's brother initiated these negotiations as he…

Letter from Grace Greenwood to James Fields, Mar 3, 1854

Huntington, JTFP, Box 41, FI 1798, SJL to JF, Mar 3, 1854.pdf
Greenwood informs Fields about how he should take the medicine for nausea as prescribed by Dr. Laurie.Dickens awaits Haps and Mishaps with "friendly interest." She has not heard of Ticknor for some time and asks Fields to find poetry for The Little…

Letter from Grace Greenwood to James Fields, Dec 2, 1848

Huntington, JTFP, Box 40, FI 1749, SJL to TF, Dec 2, 1848.pdf
Greenwood is pained to hear that Fields is "mad with a headache." She muses that the headache should "keep clear of the poets' head and heart" and rather seek out somebody where it will not be disturbed "by the outgoing of the responsive thoughts of…

Letter from Grace Greenwood to James Fields, Oct 19, 1848

Huntington, JTFP, Box 40, FI 1750, SJL to JF, Oct 19, 1848.pdf
In the first half of the letter, Greenwood writes as Sara J. Clarke to Fields. She will not be able to return the following fall but wants to meet him in Boston in the summer. Many of her articles need to be revised and cannot be published yet but…

Letter from Grace Greenwood to James Fields, Sep 2, 1852

Huntington, JTFP, Box 40, FI 1759, SJL to JF, Sep 2, 1852.pdf
Greenwood has had a headache and could not write herself which is why Mr. Bennoch wrote a letter to Fields instead. She hopes her advice on seasickness reaches him in time for his departure. Any letters addressed to her should be sent to Bennoch…

Letter from Grace Greenwood to James Fields, Nov 14, 1849

Huntington, JTFP, Box 40, FI 1764, SJL to JF, Nov 14, 1849.pdf
Greenwood recounts Mr. Whipple's visit to Lynn.Mr. Phillips also left for California last March and has since left his friends anxious about his lack of contact. But a few weeks prior they heard the good news of him being on a…

Letter from Grace Greenwood to James Fields, Apr 10, 1849

Huntington, JTFP, Box 40, FI 1770, SJL to JF, Apr 10, 1849.pdf
Greenwood is delighted to find a few of her favorite poems in Fields' new volume. Yet she is surprised to hear of the urgency in regard to the publication of Greenwood Leaves. Recently, she has not written much for publication as both her parents…

Letter from Grace Greenwood to James Fields, Dec 3, 1850

Huntington, JTFP, Box 40, FI 1774, SJL to JF, Dec 3, 1850.pdf
Greenwood inquires of Fields about the release date of "History of my Pets." She suspects that she will not profit much from the fall publications. She asks Fields for another $250 for payments and expenses.Greenwood is currently "half sick with a…

Letter from Grace Greenwood to James Fields, July 25, 1851

Huntington, JTFP, Box 40, FI 1777, SJL to JF, July 25, 1851.pdf
Greenwood is saddened by the death of Eliza and offers Fields her condolences. She regrets not having known her better and describes her as "a [quite] and amiable being" and bearing "an atmosphere of love like a light perfume of…

Letter from Grace Greenwood to James Fields, Apr 13, 1852

Huntington, JTFP, Box 40, FI 1778, SJL to JF, Apr 13, 1852.pdf
Greenwood regrets the lack of correspondence between Fields and her but is overjoyed at the prospect of seeing him again in England. She will leave Rome on the 15th and travel to Naples and Florence with the Hills. Recently she has not been in good…

Letter from Grace Greenwood to James Fields, Oct 8, 1852

Huntington, JTFP, Box 40, FI 1780, SJL to JF, Oct 8, 1852.pdf
Greenwood is pleased to hear of Fields' safe travels but regrets to hear about his recurring seasickness. She is currently staying with the Bennochs and enjoyed her travels in Ireland and Scotland, as mentioned in her Era correspondence. Delf and…

Letter from Grace Greenwood to James Fields, Oct 17, 1849

Huntington, JTFP, Box 40, FI 1790, SJL to JF, Oct 17, 1849.pdf
Greenwood has recovered from her "brief, yet serious illness." She hopes to correct the poof in an intelligible manner and asks whether she is supposed to write the preface soon. She met a friend of Fields, Mr. Peabody of Portsmouth, who heavily…

Letter from Grace Greenwood to James Fields, July 19, [1853]

Huntington, JTFP, Box 41, FI 1739, SJL to JF, July 19, 1853.pdf
Greenwood has been ill with bronchitis and cannot travel yet but hopes to sail by the "America" on August 6th. She asks him to forward the enclosed notes. Credit Huntington Library, James Thomas Fields Papers and Addenda

Letter from Grace Greenwood to James Fields, Sep 11, 1853

Huntington, JTFP, Box 41, FI 1783, SJL to JF, Sep 11, 1853.pdf
Greenwood's brother has informed Fields of her state of health. She nearly died and is still quite weak but plans to return to Boston in two weeks if her health allows it. She fears that Fields is angry with her for the delay.Greenwood has excluded…

Letter from Grace Greenwood to James Fields, Sep 16, 1853

Huntington, JTFP, Box 41, FI 1784, SJL to JF, Sep 16, 1853.pdf
Greenwood has sent the material for the book and asks Fields to sent her the proof any time after the 25th to Philadelphia. She will not be able to visit Boston this fall as her health does not allow it so Fields must correct the proof himself if he…

Letter from Grace Greenwood to James Fields, Feb 20, 1854

Huntington, JTFP, Box 41, FI 1752, SJL to JF, Feb 20, 1854.pdf
Greenwood has not been well of late as she has fallen ill after the sudden death of her father on the 15th. She asks Fields to send a copy of Haps and Mishaps to William Birney, the editor of The Daily Register in Philadelphia, who has published a…

Letter from Grace Greenwood to James Fields, Sep 28, 1853

Huntington, JTFP, Box 41, FI 1786, SJL to JF, Sep 28, 1853.pdf
Greenwood informs Fields that she has received an application from a certain Mr. Tufts from Boston. He wishes to arrange for the sole agency of their papers. She asks Fields to inform her husband if Tufts is reliable enough to…