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  • Tags: illness/death

Letter from Isa Blagden to Charlotte Cushman, July [1], 1869

LoC. Isa Blagden to CC. Vol 9.pdf
Isa Blagden regrets that Charlotte Cushman has been in bad health recently. She suggests that Cushman should have a blood transfusion to attempt to improve her condition and points out that Cushman's cancer may be inherited.Blagden has also enclosed…

Anne Brewster about Blackwood and Gender Differences, Diary Entry Excerpts (1878)

ABP 5 1, Diary 1878, consideration of Blackwood. Gender Differences.pdf
The diary entries include discussions of illness, Brewster's anticipation of death, social networking, and payment negotiations with the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin and the Evening Telegraph. Brewster's brother initiated these negotiations as he…

Anne Brewster about Journalism and Finances, Diary Entry Excerpts (1876)

ABP Box 4 5, diary 1876 concerning journalism and finances.pdf
Brewster writes about health and financial concerns, she receives payment every 6 months and mentions her work for the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, the Boston Advertiser, the N.Y. Graphic, and the New Century.She feels content to be "of money value…

Anne Brewster about Spinsterhood and Privacy, Diary Entry Excerpts (1876)

ABP Box 4 5, diary 1876. Joys of Spinsterhood and Privacy.pdf
Brewster describes herself as a solitary old woman and spinster, "in love with my solitary life."By stating that "[i]t will be a hard winter in Rome especially for American astists, for there are no forestieri coming," Brewster assesses the economic…

"Some Curious Particulars About the Illness and Habits of the Pope," Jackson County Banner, May 24, 1877

1877. Jackson_County_Banner. Curious Particulars Pope.pdf
This reprint from the Philadelphia Bulletin speaks to the Pope's health and favorite food. Credit

Letter from Elizabeth Barrett Browning to Arabella Moulton-Barrett, June 11, [1853]

Again, Browning defends Greenwood and characterizes her as an "unassuming & cultivated, a pleasing woman whose prettiness is an open question." A large part of the letter is devoted to spiritualism, a medium, and talking to the death--stories…

Letter from Henry F. Chorley to Charlotte Cushman, May 14, 1859

CCP 19 Chorley to CC Part 1 Letter 3 OV.pdf
Charlotte Cushman's sister Susan Meriman Muspratt has died, and Chorley offers his condolences.Credit Library of Congress,Charlotte Cushman Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

Letter from Wayman Crow to Emma Crow, April 6, 1871

CCP Box 10 ECC to CC (and Stebbins), Apr 6, 1871.pdf
Wayman Crow wants Emma Crow to have a place where Charlotte Cushman can stay and be cared for. Wayman wants to support her financially if necessary. Cushman is suffering from major health problems. Crow expects her to die soon. Credit Library of…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to the Fields family, Mar 30, 1871

CC to AF and JF, 1871-03-30.pdf
The Fields family has sent some books, for which Cushman is grateful, while also lamenting the fact that she and Emma Stebbins missed out on seeing them due to time constraints. Furthermore, Cushman informs the Fields about her health condition.…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Annie Fields, Aug 29, 1871

CC to AF, 1871-08-29.pdf
Cushman wants the Field family to come over for a visit, mentioning her bitterness and lack of vitality. The doctor calls her a "miracle" even though she does not feel well, as she admits. Emma Cushman came around to see her and they took off to town…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to the Fields Family, [1860]

CC to AF and JF, 1860(Rome).pdf
Charlotte Cushman does not want to let Emma Stebbins' sickness interfere with the excursion the Fields had planned. Cushman does not leave without Stebbins. Credit Huntington Library, James Thomas Fields Papers and Addenda

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Helen Hunt, March 12, 1871

Charlotte Cushman is facing another surgery.Transcripts courtesy of Nancy Knipe, Colorado College.

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Helen Hunt, March 21, 1871

Charlotte Cushman faces surgery again and is afraid she may die. Cushman asks Helen Hunt to care for Emma Cushman if she dies.Transcripts courtesy of Nancy Knipe, Colorado College.

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Helen Hunt, March 29, 1871

Dr. Wright could not help Charlotte Cushman to get better. Cushman is anxious and convinced that she will die in a couple of month, she "will seek every palliative" available. She desperately tries to consult medical advice in different cities.As…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Helen Hunt, June 28, 1871

Currently, Charlotte Cushman is not in pain. Mrs Garland, Emma Stebbins's sister, is very fond of Helen Hunt because of the book of poems she sent.Cushman announces a visit of Stebbins and herself in Bethlehem. Among others, Booth urges Cushman to…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Helen Hunt, Sept 2, 1871

Charlotte Cushman, Emma Crow Cushman, and Emma Stebbins cannot come to visit Helen Hunt as announced as Emma Stebbins and Emma Crow Cushman's son are ill.Emma Crow Cushman owns a country house outside of St. Louis.Transcripts courtesy of Nancy Knipe,…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Helen Hunt, July 14, 1873

Charlotte Cushman writes from her Newport home. Her health has deteriorated again. Cushman calls Emma Stebbins "Emma S." She is looking after Emma Crow Cushman's kids.Transcripts courtesy of Nancy Knipe, Colorado College.

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Helen Hunt, July 24, 1873

Charlotte Cushman apologizes for writing less often. She is in a better state of health but Emma Stebbins is not well. Cushman turned 55.Transcripts courtesy of Nancy Knipe, Colorado College.

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Helen Hunt, July 24, 1875

Charlotte Cushman is in pain. This letter is answered by Helen Hunt on July 29, 1875. Cushman encourages Helen Hunt to settle down and marry: "about your marriage. It is better, so infinitely better, happier, wiser gooder[?], so I rejoice with all my…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Helen Hunt, Aug 5,1875

Charlotte Cushman replies to Hunt's letter from July 29, 1875. She talks about meeting Mr. Jackson and is sure that she should like him "very much". Transcripts courtesy of Nancy Knipe, Colorado College.