Letter from Wayman Crow to Emma Crow, April 6, 1871

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Letter from Wayman Crow to Emma Crow, April 6, 1871


Crow, Wayman, 1808-1885
Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
Cushman, Emma Crow, 1839-1920
Cushman, Edwin "Ned" Charles, 1838-1909


Wayman Crow wants Emma Crow to have a place where Charlotte Cushman can stay and be cared for. Wayman wants to support her financially if necessary. Cushman is suffering from major health problems. Crow expects her to die soon.


Library of Congress, Charlotte Cushman Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


Crow, Wayman, 1808-1885


LoC, CCP 10:2990-2992





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[2990] Thursday am 6th Apr 1871

My dear Emma
we did not forget you yr birth or wedding on Monday but brought out the Champagne & even to Nino drank to the many & happy return[?] of the time to you & Ned—yesterday yrs of 2d from Tremont was[?] recd & we feel quite anxious abt Miss C. as Mr Lamb said last night the lump under the arm & swelling of arm was a symptom which was very alarming & her leg is also quite a symton [sic]—I do hope you & she

[2990 reverse] may be able to get a place soon for I fear that She may be taken quite ill some where & not be able to move
If you think it will accomplish the object & can get a house at Newport that She will come to you at, you may[?] it
it will accomplish it say I will pay The Summer's rent on board as the case may be. I will not hesitate to do so for you to have a place where she can be quiet & comfortable with you as I think she is entitled to such a place the last few weeks or months of her life—If it would aid in such

[2991] a laudable result, I think I would almost come on myself to assist in the matters— You will know how to introduce & present the matter if it seems feasible or necessary,–I am sure she must be in a very excitable State & I think ought not to be subject to the spiritualistic influences— The Children are now well—Carlino has had quite a cold as many have the weather is like summer, & it is hard to keep +++ +++ colds— but his teeth helped to give him a cough

[2991 reverse] he now is quite himself again Last night the +++ +++ Mrs Lamb & Mr & +++ Eliot & Yeatman were with us & enjoyed it & at 11 after I Close[?] this I join yr mother to go with Mr Lamb to +++ +++ This think of getting away Monday[?]—but Mrs E. was not so well yesterday & I shall not be surprised if She is unable to go— Yr mother wishes you to do what is proper for Mabel abt dresses—if She need's [sic] a little money[?] hand it to her—Tell Isabel I got last eveng her letter of +++ 28th +++  on her return frm Tremont +++ Monday 5 apl

[2992] She ought not to keep letters So long after writing Ned is well—Mr, Mr Nair has got home & Mill is doing well—yesterday was a very heary day with us at stare & to day promises +++  so but This I steal off to go to +++—The +++ at their house & leave abt 1st May—  They sail 13t May I believe & go to Malvern—The Mr Creany[?] I go in July—No news, all send love Levis[?] is very attentive to children & me sleep with doors[?]

[2992 reverse] afar between the nursery & our bedroom Bridget goes on Monday to Lenvent Let us hear after

Mr. Eliot wishes to call to see you & yr aunt as he passes N.York if you both are in N.Y.

affly yrs

W Crow

give our +++ love to yr aunt


Crow, Wayman, 1808-1885


Cushman, Emma Crow, 1839-1920

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Crow, Wayman, 1808-1885, “Letter from Wayman Crow to Emma Crow, April 6, 1871,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 3, 2024, https://archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/222.

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