Letter from Wayman Crow to Cornelia Carr, April 20, 1871

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Letter from Wayman Crow to Cornelia Carr, April 20, 1871


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
Crow, Wayman, 1808-1885
Cushman, Edwin "Ned" Charles, 1838-1909
Cushman, Emma Crow, 1839-1920


Wayman Crow remarks in his letter to Cornelia Crow Carr that Charlotte Cushman seems to be feeling better after her illness referenced in his letter to Emma Crow on April 6th.


Library of Congress, Charlotte Cushman Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


Cushman, Emma Crow, 1839-1920


LoC, CCP 10: 2993-2994





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[2993] Thursday 20 apl

My dear Cornelia your letter of Saturday to your mother & Emmas of Sunday to Ned recd yesterday—I am glad to hear Miss C. is so well—Dr Eliot who got home yesterday & who I saw last night says he never saw Miss C. looking So well—She must be a marvellous woman & I trust Dr Js influence may give her a few months of Life—we are well— the children keep well, tho' there is a good deal of a +++ cough chicken pox about +++ +++ Leighton hers the former & we all are prevented frm going out with the children there this week as purposed— Rachell +++ children have the chicken pox—

[2993 reverse] Dr Eliot Says he is Sorry he could not be with you to Tea Sunday evening—but I expect he left that night He comes back very much better & said +++ mother improved I had no fatigue on Ned is now considering of Mr. Bredells +++ with frm time[?]—as he (B) goes to +++ for a year or two—& I believe expects to go with Mrs Hitchcock to see it. Mrs Crick[?] (+++ +++) has a son—Mr Yeatman as usual working hard—I take a great deal of intent in unversity & getting a good Chancellor, & Prof. Matalagry[?]— no one fixed on yet Dr E. may bring some news to think of.—

[2994] There has been very little rain in this vicinity we have seen no gross +++ yet—Vegetables are scare & high by reason of draught Mr. Whittaker is about as he was—no dropsy & yet no strength or appitite—Bobwords[?] has gone South with an abscess in one of his calves—all send love.

Yrs truly W.C.

your aunt Cornelia goes in a day or two to +++  Mrs Carter. Yr mother +++  $30 to pay expensesward & +++ have both been here & say they are doing well—

[2994 reverse] Mr. Ranett will have here a week frm to day will be in Boston abt a week the +++ good of Boston go with him perhaps in +++  or +++ frm Boston Ned dont say when he will go on with the the children—he now is considering about going with a Commission +++  with a Mr. Card—as he has not +++ +++ enough at present—& as their office will be +++ near the +++ he will be kept busy going +++ to +++—Sunday +++ [four lines illegible] is to sail to Europe with Wayman & two girls —The weather is now cooler again


Crow, Wayman, 1808-1885

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Cushman, Emma Crow, 1839-1920, “Letter from Wayman Crow to Cornelia Carr, April 20, 1871,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed September 18, 2024, https://archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/223.

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