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  • Tags: women's jobs

Letter from Henry Alden to Charlotte Cushman, Nov 3, 1874

CCP Box 9 Alden to CC.pdf
The editor of Harper's magazine asks Charlotte Cushman to write a contribution to the magazine speaking about her career. Alden presents himself as speaking on behalf of Cushman's friends rather than making a request as an editor.He includes the sum…

"Grace Greenwood," Waukesha Daily Freeman, July 13, 1882

1882. Waukesha Daily Freeman. GG Bio.pdf
Sarah K. Bolton writes a favorable biographical account of Grace Greenwood. Bolton introduces the article by characterizing her relationship to Greenwood from admiration from a distance to affection as long-term acquaintences.The author states that…

"New Ornaments for Central Park," Burlington Free Press, June 19, 1869

1869. Burlington Free Press. Brewster about Stebbins Statue.pdf
This article reprints a passage written by Anne Brewster in the Philadelphia Bulletin which describes the process of Emma Stebbins creating her sculpture for the Central Park in New York. Credit

"Un Petit Accident d'Amour," Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 12, 1880

1880. Brooklyn Daily Eagle. Dinner Party.pdf
Brewster offers a biting commentary on the social norms of Vanity Fair drawing from the example of French actress Sarah Bernhardt who offended the upper-class members with her "bad morals." Credit

Anne Brewster about Blackwood and Gender Differences, Diary Entry Excerpts (1878)

ABP 5 1, Diary 1878, consideration of Blackwood. Gender Differences.pdf
The diary entries include discussions of illness, Brewster's anticipation of death, social networking, and payment negotiations with the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin and the Evening Telegraph. Brewster's brother initiated these negotiations as he…

Anne Brewster about Financial Independence, Diary Entry Excerpts (1878)

ABP Box 5 2, diary 1878 Sep, joys of financial independence.pdf
Anne Brewster finds herself earning "a comfortable independence." She is far better off than a year ago, working for Daily Evening Telegraph and Boston Advertiser. Credit The Library Company of Philadelphia

Letter from Anne Brewster to Mary Howell, July 8, 1864

ABP 27 10 Letter to Howell, July 8, 1864.pdf
Anne Brewster describes the fiancé of her cousin Frank as a "well-posé person" whose manners she feels drawn to. She adds: "Had I been alone with her I should have kissed her [inserted] but I would not take a liberty with her before any one for fear…

Letter from Robert Browning to Isa Blagden, March 18, 1865

In a patronizing manner, Robert Browning speaks of the letter from March 3, 1865, which he received from Matilda Hays: "Miss Hays wrote to me for my signature to her petition for a literary pension: I thought it about the coolest proposal I remember,…

"Miss Harriet Hosmer," Liberator, Nov 20, 1857

Article on Hosmer. 1857. By Lydia Maria Child. Liberator.pdf
Child praises Hosmer as a genius and comments on her being a woman sculptor among so many men in this profession. Child gives a definition of 'society' and its norms and counters arguments that have depicted Hosmer disparagingly as a 'masculine'…

Cobbe's "What Shall We Do with Our Old Maids," Fraser's Magazine (1862, reprinted as "Essay II" in Essays of the Pursuits of Women 1863)

Cobbe_What Shall We Do With Our Old Maids. Omeka.pdf
Making a case for women's education and professional training, Frances Cobbe dismisses the derogatory use of the term "old maids" which addresses mostly those women who never marry. This latter status means 'celibacy' for these women. She favors the…

"Charlotte Cushman: The Story of Her Love as Told by Celia Logan," Lowell Daily Citizen, Aug 14, 1877

1877. Lowell Daily Citizen. Cushman - Unrequited Love.pdf
Celia Logan cleverly positions herself as an actress who performed with Charlotte Cushman on stage. This joint engagement allows her to present herself as having had access to intimate knowledge about the actress and her relationships to two men,…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to James Thomas Fields, Dec 31, 1864

Letter from CC to JT, December 31, 1864
Charlotte Cushman describes Anne Brewster as "an old dear friend of younger days." Stebbins cannot pay the exchange for the casting and transport of her statue. Cushman asks James to interfere on Stebbins' behalf and talk to Dr. Howe. Additionally,…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Annie Fields, June 29, 1873

CC to AF, 1873-05-29.pdf
The commissioned sculpture of an angel in Central Park, created by Emma Stebbins, was met with ridicule by several papers. Cushman urges Annie to help her act against this slander. Fields could help to "destroy the effect of this dirty article" in…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to James Fields, June 26, 1861

CC to JF, 1861-05-26.pdf
Cushman asks of James to send her the Atlantic Monthly she is subscribed to. Emma Stebbins is currently working on a statue, for which the committee may not be able to raise enough money. Hence, Cushman wants to raise money with Fields's help. James…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Helen Hunt, [1871-1875]

Charlotte Cushman addresses Helen Hunt in her quarrel with James Fields. Cushman advises Hunt to transact her own business and confront Fields about some gossip and to "beat him to death with compliments."Transcripts courtesy of Nancy Knipe, Colorado…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Helen Hunt, June 11, 1871

Charlotte Cushman left Newport for the Villa Boscobel. Cushman refers to Emma Stebbins as 'Miss Stebbins' who Cushman did not see for seven weeks as she emphasizes.Cushman admits that she is thinking of Helen Hunt: "I think of you often & much…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Helen Hunt, June 28, 1871

Currently, Charlotte Cushman is not in pain. Mrs Garland, Emma Stebbins's sister, is very fond of Helen Hunt because of the book of poems she sent.Cushman announces a visit of Stebbins and herself in Bethlehem. Among others, Booth urges Cushman to…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Helen Hunt, Aug 18, 1871

Cushman encourages Helen Hunt's work as a poet and critic and talks about "American men" who do not "understand or appreciate beauty".She has decided to take on the role of Queen Katherine in New York in September, adding that it is an "easy part to…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Helen Hunt, Aug 25, 1871

Charlotte Cushman is about to start a new engagement in NY, she will perform Queen Katherine in Henry VIII. She shows some resentment against "society" and admits that the audience will pay to see her much more than the play itself, which makes her…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Helen Hunt, Jan 6, 1874

Charlotte Cushman discusses friendship and Helen Hunt's pen name Saxe Holm about which Cushman will stay quiet. The letter may be the response to item 213. Cushman also touches upon people who gossip/spread rumors. Eventually, she informs Hunt that…