Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Edwin Booth, July 12, 1871

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Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Edwin Booth, July 12, 1871


Actors and Actresses--US American
Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
Booth, Edwin, 1833-1893


Cushman writes to Booth regarding her engagement as Lady Macbeth. Booth wants to engage her for 6 rather than 8 weeks and she inquires whether she could begin work on the 9th of October rather than the 25th of September as she fears her Doctor might ask her to undergo another operation and she dreads working in the September heat. Cushman suggests Davenport for the role of Macbeth.


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Hampden Booth Theatre Library





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[partial transcription]
[page 7]

De Bois Cottage
July 12 1871
R. J.

Dear Mr Booth
Your favour of the 6th
put me here on my arrival yes-
terday. I hope the [...]
delay may have been no incon
-venience to you. Many thanks
for the enclosure from Mr Creswick
I forwarded to you [...]
I should
much prefer that you hold to your
proposition contained in your
last relative to Mr Davenport

[page 8]
In conjunction with me, he
will suit your purposes much
better than any one else. I do not
interfere in the least with your
arrangements but only
suggest to you what I am sure will
be best in the end.
As to the length of the Engage -
I now understand you wish it to be
for six weeks - instead of eight. I
could wish [...] that the
two weeks might be taken off the
early part of the time as it will give
me a longer chance for getting strong
- in the event of my Dr finding an
operation necessary. Thus telling
me commence on the 9th October
instead of the 28th September. I dread

attempting any work in the heat of
September. Six weeks will suit me
quite well if you do not wish the
engagement to be longer
About the [...] you must be
the best judge. Losing two weeks from
I cannot let
my six performances pay me less
than $3000.
You shall let me know
what you would propose to offer me
for the matinée as you know best
what the [...]


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876



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Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876, “Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Edwin Booth, July 12, 1871,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 3, 2024, https://archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/1033.

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