Letter from Charlotte Cushman to James Fields, Aug 15, 1868

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Letter from Charlotte Cushman to James Fields, Aug 15, 1868


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
Brewster, Anne Hampton, 1818-1892
Gender Norms
Fields, James Thomas, 1817-1881
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 1804-1864


Cushman tells Fields about her travel plans and how she will go to see the Crow family in St. Louis. She also notifies him of some books she wants him to send. Cushman discusses some financial issues about the books, asking whether his publishing house is willing to sell it to her for the "old trade price."
Cushman describes Anne Brewster as a "brave woman" who will go to Italy. She visited Mr Seward.
Cushman apologizes for having asked Fields to talk to Frothingham on her behalf. She addressed this issue in an earlier letter in July. In that earlier letter from July, Cushman also addressed Fields to ask him to publish an article about Hawthorne, which he has now apparently agreed to.


Huntington Library, James Thomas Fields Papers and Addenda


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Huntington, JTFP, Box 12, FI 694





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[page 1] Dear friend
Your kind & welcome note. by an unknown hand. came to me in due time. & I should have written to thank you before this - but I waited until I could know something more definite of my +++ as to when I should be +++ to you wards [?]! I have now fixed to leave New York on the 24' for Boston. when I shall arrive for the morning of the 27'. only to stop in town a few hours. on my way to Swampscott. where Miss Stebbins & I are going to make a visit to the Addison Child's. There I remain a fortnight or so. well a break. which I make to go to

[page 2] Mr Crow at the Rockland House N. Cohasset. Then I have a visit to pay in +++. & then. I believe I go west to St Louis - with Mr Crow's family. This much by way of indicating my whereabouts. but I must continue to see you somehow. for I must ask you several questions & get the benefit of your brains & practical knowledge. I want to see Dr Upham too. The day I am in Boston. and I want to choose a lot of books to send out by Annie Brewster--who like a brave woman as she is, is going out to Italy. by one of the Fruit vessels. on the 1st of Sept. & can take a box of books for me as well as not. if I put them in a trunk--& then the Lascia Passare [?] which I provide me. can carry

[page 3] my books in. also.--Can I get all the books I want of your publishing & every body else. as of old at your counter, or are you another man now? I shall arrive in Boston on the morning of the 27' - by the Bristol boat & sail. & wait a few hours — to choose my books & then go out of town [?] again that +++ day - so if there is any chance of seeing you. I shall be delighted - If not - will you send a note to your publishing house to tell somebody — to get me what I want in [?] the way of books. which I suppose you will let me have at the old trade price as before — If not just send me word like a good soul to Hyde Park. Dutchess Co. NY. anytime before the 24". & if I cannot do this with you. I will get Patuano [?]

[page 4] to +++ it in New York. If you think this will be best. any way - let me know. I am so glad you will take the Hawthorne article. I wanted you to have it. because you were his publishers & his friends. & for other reasons too. The $50. you tell me you will give for it. you shall keep until called for later. I have been at Auburn making a visit to Mr Seward - like any other celestial! only I had no  I am now here. in this of lovely places - which I shall leave on the 19" for Hyde Park I am sorry I gave you the trouble of doing any thing in the Frothingham matter - it was stupid of me & I ought to have attended to it Myself – How +++ I did'nt [sic]! Emma Stebbins is at Hyde Park. she comes to Boston with me.
Kindest love

[page 1 added vertically] to the pair of you. Remembrances to the +++ & +++
Yours most faithfully
Charlotte Cushman
What shall I read. for those Brackets??? It must not be at the Music Hall but Chickering [?].


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Fields, James Thomas, 1817-1881


Sharon Springs, NY, US

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Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876, “Letter from Charlotte Cushman to James Fields, Aug 15, 1868,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 3, 2024, https://archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/151.

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