Letter from Charlotte Cushman to James Fields, Mar 15, 1862

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Letter from Charlotte Cushman to James Fields, Mar 15, 1862


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
Fields, James Thomas, 1817-1881
Stebbins, Emma, 1815-1882


Charlotte Cushman asks James to talk to Dr. Mark Howe in order for the latter to pay Emma Stebbins for her work on a statue. Cushman is worried that Stebbins will struggle financially if Howe does not pay for the work. Henry Stebbins is in charge of managing and receiving money on Emma Stebbins' behalf.
Cushman laments that she has not received her Atlantic magazine yet.


Huntington Library, James Thomas Fields Papers and Addenda


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Huntington, JTFP, Box 12, FI 687





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[page 1] Dear Friend. I know you are very busy & I would not trouble you but unfortunately we cannot get Dr Howe to any action save through your personal pressure. He wrote a short note to Emma saying that he would meet her wishes & nescessities [sic] in the matter of money & send to her by the following mail a bill for a thousand dollars — for [?] is usual in such cases — for her to work upon. It is now a long time since the receipt of the letter & no money (or letter) has been sent. In her correspondence with the Bronzist [?]. (the best in the world) she finds that it will be nescessary [sic] to pay down $1000. before they begin casting $1000 when it is completed & the remainder when delivering to the vessel at Rotterdam. Thus if Dr Howe sends her the first $1000 now. on the 1st of July. he must send the second $1000. & the remainder she must draw for as she may find +++ for it. If it is nescessary [sic] to have some one responsible to him for it! I will beg you to assume this responsibility for which. I am. hack [?], & in all my past letters to Dr Howe responsible to you & to him!. It is nescessary [sic] that this should be understood at the beginning. Emma will be so out of pocket by the transaction. that it is nescessary [sic] for her to be assured that the Bronzists [sic] money should will [inserted] be forthcoming. suppose, to save trouble. Dr Howe sends the money to Henry G Stebbins. for +++ of Emma. who will +++ for it. She is getting on fairly with the work. but it will keep on here until the end

[page 2] of June I fear & this will try her strength, she has made such a lovely little figureof the angel of Youth. the "childrens [sic] angel" carried out from the little photograph which you saw. & a colossal head of the original ("secesher I call it) Rebel. "The Arch Angel Ruined" as she calls it. alas. Lucifer. which is full of power [?] & which ought to be ordered by somebody at home. If Mrs Dove saw this lovely "childs [sic] angel" she would remember the order she promised Emma. I wish if you ever see her; you would say you thought she was going to have something of Emmas [sic]. I had such a nice letter from Mr Seward last week. all good & hopeful. How I have wanted to be at home this winter. My sacrifice has been for the first time very great. in being away! +++ +++ Mr Tilton is coming home this spring with his picture. I hope the times will have been sufficiently good with you to +++ you to take yours. & help him with the sale of others — for indeed they are very fine. +++. I have not had my Atlantics get. & I think it is too bad. you might have sent them to me. even if my name had not been on the subscription book. I was good for them. I hear of you often through my children. & am glad to hear of you always well & prospering. What glorious news. How many Americans we shall have abroad next Year. for miles "the wicked flu +++" — +++ will be rampant abroad when out of danger! It is quiet now, for fear of confrontation. but matters settled. how rabid how fearful they will be to +++. How well they have proved they can even! and more disgrace to a 12 months soldier to +++ — than a three months one. ah well. I am not sorry for this war! How wonderful are the Byrons [sic] papers. There is more said in those papers — than has been said by any writer & speaker yet. not excepting [?] your friend Charles & George Sumner. Good bye. dear love to Annie. Ever faithfully yours
Charlotte Cushman


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Fields, James Thomas, 1817-1881


Rome, Italy

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Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876, “Letter from Charlotte Cushman to James Fields, Mar 15, 1862,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 3, 2024, https://archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/198.

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