Letter from Charlotte Cushman to the Fields Family, July 25, 1862

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Letter from Charlotte Cushman to the Fields Family, July 25, 1862


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
Cushman, Emma Crow, 1839-1920
Cushman, Edwin "Ned" Charles, 1838-1909
Political Affairs
United States
Social Events--Travels
Fields, Annie, 1834-1915
Fields, James Thomas, 1817-1881


Charlotte Cushman writes to the Fields about the books they've sent them, the aftermath of Emma Crow Cushman's miscarriage, and the current issues she is dealing with regarding family and house. Cushman's children will be leaving for St. Louis.


Huntington Library, James Thomas Fields Papers and Addenda


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Huntington, JTFP, Box 12, FI 688





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[page 1] Thanks dear friends for your kind remembrance of us in the Charming books. you have sent by Emma which we received with loving thankful hearts. They are reserved for quiet moments. for we purpose, after the 1st of August running down to the country somewhere—to set out under the trees to read. to think. to drink in health & strength. which we all need—and I shall read aloud the books you have sent one. while the others draw and stitch—I need not tell you how

[page 2] glad I am to get to see my "child" again after her sad disappointment. her sad experience. She had a nice passage. the Turner Sargents [?] were on board & very kind to her so that she was not alone. I found her at Liverpool on Saturday night with them & brought her up here. where I have a house for a month. my children from Liverpool are with me. My mother & a Liverpool friend. So that I assure you I have hands & heart & head full! to say nothing of the house. all this fullness makes me woolgather & if I am +++ or disjointed in this 

[page 3] tiny note—forgive me! I cannot tell you how "conflicted" I am in the thought of the "children" leaving Boston for a St Louis home. & but that I have the very largest confidence in the judgment & good sense of Emma. I should be frightened at the ship, notwithstanding the good fortune there seems for Ned in the change. I hope for the best. & in Emmas [sic] wisdom & observance of duties. I find my best security! It is a large sacrifice she makes - but she makes it for a good purpose. She is enjoying being with me here. & I feel that it will do her much good. we continue to witness the unbounded & now, undisguised sympathy of the English for the south. They despise us northerners & do not hesitate to show it. The 'canards' of every day. make one sick with disgust

[page 4] & we are a byword. in as much that we cannot find honest men to guide the ship of state. Stanton gone now! alas where are we to find men, incapable of being bought. the Mc Clillan [?] star seems to be in the ascendant again. As we have to day felt the first heat of the season - we are breathless in pity for the poor "pirates [?]" in the old Dominion! Have you read George Sands. "Les Beaux Messiers de Bois dore [sic]!" - oh, such a lovely book. we saw it acted in Paris. & cried much
Ever our dear loves to Julia The Divine. & any such who care to be remembered by us. we shall see more of your sister next winter. I believe they come to Rome. Good night & God bless you. in trust affection. believe me
Ever your.
Charlotte Cushman 


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Fields, Annie, 1834-1915
Fields, James Thomas, 1817-1881


London, UK

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Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876, “Letter from Charlotte Cushman to the Fields Family, July 25, 1862,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 3, 2024, https://archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/199.

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