Transcript of Letter from Emma Stebbins to Sidney Lanier, Aug 10, [1877]

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Transcript of Letter from Emma Stebbins to Sidney Lanier, Aug 10, [1877]


Stebbins, Emma, 1815-1882
Lanier, Sidney, 1842-1881
Social Events--Travels
Mercer, Sallie


Due to health issues, Emma Stebbins is "obliged to give up again the work" on the Cushman biography.

Transcripts by Jennie Lorenz


Library of Congress, Charlotte Cushman Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


Stebbins, Emma, 1815-1882


LoC, JLP 2





Letter Item Type Metadata


[page 1] My dear Lanier

Your letter of the 6th has just been forwarded to me from Newport, I find by my mena & that I wrote you on the 3d June–which letter, if you received it–ought to have told you that I had left NY—for the season—and given you a genral [sic] idea of my plans and movements— and so saved you the exertions & disappointment of searching for me in NY—I would have written again—but I have felt very +++ to such exercise–the summer thus far—and the various changes I have made has not helped me–I begin almost to despair of restoration. I have been strongly advised[?] to try high a dry air, and so made a great effort to reach this place–which is quite famous— for these +++. Mrs Fleming & some friends of ours were already here—and my Sallie/ came over from Newport to accompany me. I have been here about a weak—and cannot or rathr [sic] ought not to judge yet awhile of its effects–so far I cannot perceive much improvement—I seem to be steadily running down, and the worst thing about my condition is—that my head is so much affected—I am obliged to give up again the work in which I am so much interested. But I must not depress you with my ailments, rathr [sic] rejoice with you–which I do with all my heart–that you see before you a prospect of relief from your most pressing anxieties–Do not I pay you–allow the thought of any indebtedness to me to add a feather's weight to them If

[page 2] you never think of it any more than I do–it will be all/ right and never disturb your rest. I write hurriedly, just to bridge over this wide interval of silence, not able to do any justice to a letter, my plans aftr [sic] this are not yet settled—I may go to Lenox—I may go back to Hyde Park. I may try a few days in the white +++—any .....the cards [2/3 this page is cut off— [illegible, crossed out]] I have been trying to think of an address to send you which will be always sure to reach me. perhaps. care of H. S. Stebbins Esq. 48 Excange Place, NY. will be best.— [This cut off also–appears to have been blank] on this side.


Stebbins, Emma, 1815-1882


Lanier, Sidney, 1842-1881


Wachusett House, Princeton, MA

Geocode (Latitude)


Geocode (Longitude)



1877 [added by archivist]
2/3 this page is cut off [...] This cut off also–appears to have been blank [notes added by JL]

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Stebbins, Emma, 1815-1882, “Transcript of Letter from Emma Stebbins to Sidney Lanier, Aug 10, [1877],” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 3, 2024,

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