Letter from E. B. Fisher to Charlotte Cushman, Sept 13, 1836

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Letter from E. B. Fisher to Charlotte Cushman, Sept 13, 1836


Actors and Actresses--US American
Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
United States--Philadelphia
Kemble, Frances "Fanny" Anne, 1809-1893


Fisher presents himself as a great admirer of Charlotte Cushman. He offers her his 'services' in terms of press coverage, e.g. in the Philadelphia papers, and supporting her in her career ambitions.


Library of Congress, Charlotte Cushman Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


Fisher, E. Burke, ca. 1799-1863


LoC, CCP 11: 3312-3313





Letter Item Type Metadata


You more than exceeded my warmest desires last night, and
have now a double claim to the worship of him who now addresses
you. If you go on, as you have begun, the mind cannot compass
an idea of the histrionic triumph, you must achieve. Beyond
even the wildest dream of Hope will be your success, until seated
upon the lofty eminence of a people's admiration. you become
the American Giddons, the Malibran of Music, and the only fine
representation or the legitimate drama, as it should be, not what
it is. Your nerve is wonderful, your conceptions truly great, and
your success unexampled, as might be gathered from the at
tention paid you by the general audience, and the gush of good
feeling that beamed in the Countenances, and twinkled in the
eye of those who Came to Criticise. The stern brow relaxed, the
heart expanded, the soul felt, and the mind became subdued
as Lady Macbeth enacted the thousand passions which Shaks
peare has embodied in this most exquisite, and difficult
Creation. Every one was delighted. and I exalted to the seventh
Heaven of beatitude[?], stood witnessing the divinity of the social
circle, conquering all hearts by the splendour of her genius
Yon will do, my fair friend. You have won over the critics
and Can now sail upon the sea of your profession with
a flowing[?] sail, the helm is in your hand, favouring
gates await you, obedient to your command, the current is
onward and if Miss Cushman does not win a fame as
bright as her virtues deserve, it is her own fault - Nature
has done much for her, Genius more, and like the Roman
she can say. I came - they saw - I conquered


[3312 reverse] Noah says, that I did not say enough of your merits, and
you know I am not over Cold when speaking of you – He says
"that your first appearance, was the most happy but he
had ever witnessed in the same character" and you may
hereafter depend upon his warmest support
Hudson speaks warmly in your praise, and to Mr. Holland[?]
also. You may safely depend upon the press – It is one
great point gained-
By the way, do I owe you an apology in the case
of Porter[?]? Your illness, and consequent change of residence
prevented me from bringing him, and your friend Jones
having mentioned that he was going to introduce, I deem
ed my services were not needed
– your mother states
her wishes that I should do it – If Mr Jones does not
or you enjoin it on me. I will take great pleasure in
so doing – I would wish you at all times, when I can be of
service to make unlimited requisitions – You have Carte
blanche [underlined] of my interests, services & myself
I sent you some Cards by your brother, I sent but few as
I judged you would like some [...]. What think you
of the style of mine. If you would like some. I will have
them done [...] I got Dr Reynolds to call on Simpson[?] con
cerning Fazio - have not yet learned[?] his success will go
out this morning – When do you want it? This week
or next, because if not until next week, I can get a copy
from +++, when I am in Philadelphia Fanny Butler
performed it at the Chesnut St - I will go down to
Porter and see him about a copy


[3313] I shall not see you again until my return, which will be on Tuesday
next, I purpose giving you something fine in the Philadelphia
papers, by way of an echo – Can I do anything for you in
that city – this trip I trust will finish my business there
for it makes or mars me – the stake to me is a heavy
one, and I tremble for the issue
If you want to write. I shall go on Thursday afternoon
Hmablin[?] done better than I expected last night –
Macbeth is not equal to his Hamlet
Miss Clifton had not a heavy house last night
then was probably a thousand dollars in the whole
Yours must have some $500 beyond
I will bring my Shakspeare [sic] without fail
If there is any neglected [crossed out] thing neglected, apprise me
of it, and I will have it attended to, I am very
forgetful, you know and may have omitted attending to
something - A notification will lead to a remedy
As of old
your obedient friend
E Burke Fisher

PS. You have passed away from imagination at the quizzing[?]
friend of John Bones. – Your Correspondent recognizes in
you, the star or the American Stage, and his pen is +++
ed by that deference, and courtesy, which he feels it to
be his duty to pay to the sovereign in the ascendant


[3313 reverse] query – Which do you admire most
+++ +++ +++, talents, self
possession – impudence or ignorance
I have a story to tell you when
I see you concerning that gifted
& promising young man

Miss Charlotte S Cushman
No 68 Broadway


Fisher, E. Burke, ca. 1799-1863


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876

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Fisher, E. Burke, ca. 1799-1863, “Letter from E. B. Fisher to Charlotte Cushman, Sept 13, 1836,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 3, 2024, https://archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/350.

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