Charlotte Cushman and the Sanitary Commission, The New York Times, August 13, 1864

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Charlotte Cushman and the Sanitary Commission, The New York Times, August 13, 1864


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
Gender Norms
United States--Boston
United States--New York City
United States--Philadelphia
Travel Reports
New York Times
Political Affairs
Actors and Actresses--US American
Citation of Named Entity
Intimacy--With Readers/Addressees


The article praises Charlotte Cushman for her donations to the Sanitary Commision. The article presents Cushman as a great actress, genius, and patriot.


New York Times





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To the Editor of the New-York Times:

Will you call the attention of your readers generally, and of the friends of Miss CHARLOTTE CUSHMAN particularly, to the testimonial of appreciation of her worth, remarkable genius and patriotic liberality, which is about to be sent from our shores to her in her distant home at Rome.

Some of the leading artists of New-York, Boston and Philadelphia, united in furnishing sketches for an album, containing in all about fifty paintings in oil and water, which was contributed by them to the great Central Fair, recently held in the latter city for the Sanitary Commission, with the understanding that the volume, valued at $1,500, should be subscribed for by the friends of Miss CUSHMAN in these three cities and be presented to her through the Fair. About $700 were raised in Philadelphia, about $500 in Boston; but as yet only $100 has been received from New-York. A check for $100 from San Francisco was sufficient to pay the expenses incurred in binding, which work was beautifully executed in green, gold and ivory -- a very gem of art.

We think that it cannot be generally known to the friends of Miss CUSHMAN In New-York that the subscription book which contains the autograph names of subscribers, is at the rooms of the Sanitary Commission, No. 10 Cooper Union; or the delay in filling up the amount would not have been so great.

This autograph book is also very prettily gotten up, and contains the following notice of Miss CUSHMAN's generous donation from the pen of Dr. BELLOWE:


The President of the Sanitary Commission feels it to be a great pleasure to call universal attention to the patriotic munificence of our distinguished country woman, Miss CHARLOTTE CUSHMAN, who, from the vessel in which she leaves our shores, modestly sends the full amount of her splendid donations to the sick and wounded through the United States Sanitary Commission.

The magnificent product of the genius of Miss CUSHMAN, devoted to the relief of our suffering soldiers, is only the most striking exemplification yet made of woman's power and will to do her full part in the national struggle.

Inspired with love and pity the American women have been, by their labors and sympathies, a real part of the army, and their ranks, under leaders like Miss CUSHMAN, will not break while the sons, brothers and husbands are firm and faithful in the field.

It is due to Miss CHARLOTTE CUSHMAN to say, that this extraordinary gift of money, so magically evoked by her spell, is but the least part of the service which ever since the war began she has been rendering our cause in Europe.

Her earnest faith in the darkest hours; her prophetic confidence in our success; her eloquent patriotism in all presences, have been potent influences abroad and deserve and command the gratitude of the whole nation.

In compliment to the noble woman, whose generous bestowment of $8,267 29 I hereby publicly acknowledge, the commission has ordered the whole amount to be expended through our home branches in the cities where the several sums were contributed, that this money may continue as long as possible to be sanctified by the touch of only woman's hands.

It will thus reach our soldiers on battle-fields and in hospitals, charged with the blessings, prayers and tears of American womanhood.

HENRY W. BELLOWS, President United States Sanitary Commission.




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“Charlotte Cushman and the Sanitary Commission, The New York Times, August 13, 1864,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 27, 2024,

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