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Charlotte Cushman

Portrait of Charlotte Cushman
Charlotte Cushman becomes widely known on both sides of the Atlantic as the first successful US-American actress. Earlier, she was a singer under the tutelage of James G. Maeder, married to actress Clara Fisher, in Boston. Charlotte has been the sole…

Emma Stebbins

Charlotte Cushman and Emma Stebbins
Starting in 1857, Charlotte Cushman and Emma Stebbins enter a romantic relationship that lasts until Cushman's death. After her death, Stebbins writes an often cited biography about Cushman in which she collects "letters and memories."Cushman…

Matilda Hays

Cabinet Photo of Cushman and Hays
Matilda Hays and Cushman meet "[s]ometime, probably after 1846" (Merrill 156). Hays plays the Juliet to Cushman’s Romeo in 1848, when Cushman's sister Susan plans to marry James Sheridan Muspratt. Hays is in a relationship with Charlotte Cushman in…

Adrienne Hope (1866)

A novel written by Matilda M. Hays

Emma Crow Cushman

Emma Crow and Charlotte Cushman
Emma Crow meets Charlotte Cushman at the beginning of 1858 and shares a long-term, intimate relationship with her. Meanwhile, she marries Ned Cushman on April 3, 1861. In May 1862, her first pregnancy ("little Charlotte") ends in miscarriage.

Wayman Crow

Portrait of Wayman Crow
Wayman Crow was a St. Louis businessman, who also served as the financial advisor for Harriet Hosmer and Charlotte Cushman. Crow is the father of Emma Crow Cushman (who falls in love with Cushman, after seeing her perform as Romeo in St. Louis, and…

Cornelia Crow Carr

Multiple letters show that Cornelia Carr is quite fond of Harriet Hosmer.

Edwin "Ned" Charles Cushman

"Ned" Cushman
He spends some time in India before 1858. He is Charlotte Cushman's nephew and is adopted by her after his mother, Susan Cushman Muspratt, marries Sheridan Muspratt. At this point in time, Ned is 14 years old (Merrill 170). Once he develops into a…

"Cushmania," 1844[?]

Cushmania - CCP 19 - press coverage - newspaper clippings.JPG
Cartoon about Charlotte Cushman's rise to financial success Credit Library of Congress, Charlotte Cushman Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

Newport Home

Newport Home. The Providence Sunday Journal. 1909-09-05. Newspaper Clipping. CCP 19.JPG
The house is built by Richard Morris Hunt in 49 Catherine Street, Newport, in 1872. It is sold by the Cushman estate in 1890, and then demolished in 1938.

Eliza Cook

Portrait of Eliza Cook with Autograph
Charlotte Cushman fosters the business relationship between Sarah Hale and Eliza Cook. Cushman and Cook meet for the first time in May 1845 (London) when Charlotte appears as Bianca in Fazio (Merrill 141).She writes for the New Monthly Magazine, the…

Susan Cushman Muspratt

Portrait of Susan Cushman Muspratt (as Shakespeare's Juliet)
Charlotte's sister performs as Juliet in Romeo & Juliet.She is forced into marriage with Nelson Merriman when she is 14 and he is in his 60s. He leaves her and the child in debt. With the help of her family, Susan files for divorce. Charlotte…

Angel of the Waters

Most famous statue sculpted by Emma Stebbins.

Stebbins's Charlotte Cushman: Her Letters and Memories of Her Life (1878)

Stebbins Bio.JPG
Biography of Charlotte Cushman, written after her death by her spouse Emma Stebbins. The transcribed correspondence between Stebbins and Sidney Lanier (who had originally been chosen as the author of the biography) details the painstaking process of…

Rosalie Sully

Portrait of Rosalie Sully ("The Student")
Rosalie and Charlotte are in a relationship from 1843 until 1845. Rosalie is the daughter of Thomas Sully who once painted the actress. She dies on July 8, 1847, in Philadelphia.

Harriet Goodhue Hosmer

Harriet Goodhue Hosmer
Harriet Hosmer is one of the most well-known sculptors of the nineteenth century, esp. for The Sleeping Faun and Zenobia in Chains. Besides her art, she is most well known for masculine attire and activities. Both her father, "Dr." Hiram Hosmer, and…