Letter from Henry Alden to Charlotte Cushman, Nov 3, 1874

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Letter from Henry Alden to Charlotte Cushman, Nov 3, 1874


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
Actors and Actresses
Gender Norms
Intimacy--With Subjects


The editor of Harper's magazine asks Charlotte Cushman to write a contribution to the magazine speaking about her career. Alden presents himself as speaking on behalf of Cushman's friends rather than making a request as an editor.
He includes the sum that she would be paid for her article.


Library of Congress, Charlotte Cushman Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


Alden, Henry Mills, 1836-1919


LoC, CCP 9: 2604-2605





Letter Item Type Metadata


[2604] Dear Madam,
The events of this week,
so impressive simply as connected
with your individual career, have
to the most thoughtful of your
friends a wider suggestiveness and
meaning. To these your name is
associated not alone with a
memorable success, but with the
development of the loftiest features
of the histrionic art in this
country, and with the realization
Miss Charlotte Cushman


[2604 reverse] of the grandest possibilities in
art by Woman, without derogation
of her womanliness.
The aspects of a career with
such associations - of such an
experience as yours - would be
peculiarly interesting to American
readers, and would be elevating,
instructive & stimulating. Your
experience has been unusually rich
& varied. Yon have been associated
with the best artists in your
field. You have witnessed the
brave successes of many young
aspirants & the touching
failures of others. You have


[2605] carefully followed the sucessive steps
in the progress of dramatic art
in this country, & the fluctuations
of the popular taste. In your
reminiscences lights & shadows
blend. the odd & humorous with
what is most impressive – the
little with the great.
There considerations lead me
to ask you if it would not
accord with your inclination to
offer to the public, through the
pages of our Magazine, such
reminiscences of your career
as you may consider most
approporiate & interesting to
our readers.
In making this request, I am
not giving expression to a wish


[2605 reverse] which any editor may legitimately have
to add a great name to my list of
contributors. I represent rather the
wishes of your many friends. The
most thoughtful of our readers.
As to the length of your paper,
I should prefer that it come withon
the limits of 16 pages of our
Magazine. The compensation
would be 5 Hundred
Dollars ($500.). Hoping that
You may be able to rispoud
favorably to my reguest I
am, dear Madam, with sincere
Yours truly
Henry M. Alden
Ed. Harper's Magazine


Alden, Henry Mills, 1836-1919


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Franklin Square, NY, US

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Alden, Henry Mills, 1836-1919, “Letter from Henry Alden to Charlotte Cushman, Nov 3, 1874,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 3, 2024, https://archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/353.

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