Letter from Kate Field to Charlotte Cushman, Mar 15, 1860

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Letter from Kate Field to Charlotte Cushman, Mar 15, 1860


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
Fields, Annie, 1834-1915
Fields, James Thomas, 1817-1881
Hosmer, Harriet Goodhue, 1830-1908
Manners / Etiquette
Social Events--Travels
Gender Norms
Blagden, Isabella "Isa", 1816?-1873


Kate Field talks about her thoughts on Italian and American patriotism and how there is nothing quite like American boys and girls. Furthermore, she seems very content with the circle of people she has herself surrounded by, and mentions Casa Cushman in that context. There is also mention of George Sand's book that she dislikes. Field writes in a context of political conflict, revolution, and ambitions for a national Italian movement.
Charlotte Cushman is constantly referred to as 'Romeo' in letters from Field.


Library of Congress, Charlotte Cushman Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


Field, Kate, 1838-1896


LoC, CCP 11:3295-3296





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[3295] Beloved Romeo;
We've had a capital instalment from Casa Cushman and now we only need the head of the  establishment and her other half to explain  "How is the winter of our discontent made glorious by the coming of the House of C."  (Good gracious Max!  Shakspere never  divided his winter as I have written  it!) I like the Crows very much indeed.. They are charming girls, good looking girls, interesting girls, intelligent girls and for the first time in my long life I find friends of my childhood whom I would be [duly]  too happy to make the friends of my old age. They have made good use of their advantages and are the only American girls I have seen who do abroad, who do credit to our  country. very glad I've seen them, very sorry they leave so soon and very desirous to meet them again.  After all is said and done, there are no girls like American girls, no boys like American boys and par consequence no men and women like  those grown in America. [Hurrah] for  the American eagles, Crows and all other birds of freedom!  We all think Hattie Hosmer is looking very well, and find her as, abandoned a character as ever [last two words inserted] as for your incorrigible  nephew he is as impudent as ever  if not more so, but I've had my revenge in making him go through a  course of bell-ringing, fire-making, camp.  feeding, and general cloaking. I'll give  him a first-rate character if the 

[3295 reverse] worst ever comes to the worst. He has  done a good thing in deserting the treacherous ocean.  +++, mother and I are once more together and I hope (for the rhyme) that are never may sever.[?] I am tranquilly happy to have my loving, loved  mother caring for me, trying to  make me a moral woman and  forgiving me though I don't much  profit by her efforts, until today  she has exclaimed "well Kate, I suppose it is useless to attempt alterations or repairs in you; people will  have to take you as you are and if  you are misunderstood" you must  make the best of the misunderstanding."  So you see mother is forgetting her propriety most rapidly and very shortly will be qualified for our set.  We are living comfortably in a  small way and +++ expect to remain  as the M. D. says I ought not to travel.  mother is looking wells and is pleased  with everything so why should run  the risk of my health to be perhaps   very unhappy in America[?] – Aunt  Corda[?] I now in Turin, thence to Milan, after to Venice. This is all. I  know but suppose they will visit  here for a few days at least & after  returning to America in May. - I've  done all I can with respect to myself to reconcile uncle +++. I can do  no more.  We're all standing on our heads with  joy at the undoubted annexation of Tuscany to Piedmont. Only five percent of notes in favor of a  separate Kingdom and nearly 


[3296] all the voters went to the polls. as  this not the best confutation of Codinisen[?] possible. as singular fact  that the Contadini belonging to the  Ricasoli estate voted one and all  for separation. It is supposed that  Ricasoli would not have it asserted  that he had used his influence, therefore left them to their own devices,  priests worked upon their superstition and, therefore hence [inserted] the result. an  affray was the consequence. many of the  nobles a few days before the voting went to their estates and exharted their contadinis to vote for Victor Emanuel.  "But" said they - "We cannot. the priests  tell us that we will be eternally damned  if we vote for as King whom the Pope has excommunicated." "very well" replied the nobles "you have your  choice. Victor Emanuel and my employ or a separate kingdom and you leave presto!" This reducing of the matter down to bread and butter brought the contadini to their senses and of  course they preferred good living  and nostro Ri to starvation and  eternal salvation! Touch the pocket  and you touch what is worth more than  the promised land to most people  especially contadini  I've +++ +++ according to orders  and found Rome beautitul passaged  likewise - the Napolean sketch which  pleased me much. But the book as a  whole was to me very unsatisfactory.  George Sand takes you very far into +++, +++ very poetically  but never reaches a landing place  and leaves you very uncomfortably  flapping your worn out wings 


[3296 reverse] half way between Heaven and Earth 
16 March. 
Such a row last night! our appartment  is between Palazzo Ricasoli and the   station of the national Guard so that  we have the benefit of all the patriotic yelling in town. Yesterday was  the festa for annexation. The day  passed mildly enough, but the  +++ of night was the signal for the rise  of forces which reaches a +++ +++ about three this morning. Bands,  +++ +++, crowds, so dense that you could  have walked on their heads. Of such  is the Kingdom of Piedmont; on the rack of excitement from +++ ever  till morn, a reverse not conducive  to sleep, but one must makes some  sacrifices for one's country. –  Miss  +++ is here at last and not at all well but a  fine woman indeed. Hubby sayes she grows  an inch in a day in intellect since +++ companionship with Miss C. Think what a Jack's beam. pole of mind she'll be in  the course of time. They intend beating  up recruit for a ragged, +++ and  comprehensive +++ schools all to  +++ +++ end in villa +++. Think of the pleas! I don't believe I'm a philanthropist de facto.  Give my love to Miss Stebbins, Mr. & Mrs. Browning  and Mr & Mrs. Fields. Mrs. Fields is sweet is she  not? And Mr. F. was very kind to me when  here. Are they to return? - Do you ever see  Dr. Burridge? If so, please tell him that Mrs[?] Field of Florence is anxious to know if he returns this spring as she wishes to pay her debt  and has more work for him. I'm afraid  of the dentists here. —  Mother joins in best  love to yourself, and we hope you. won't  play the traitor and return to England  without a drop into Florence. – So if  you hear anything about Garibaldi  Mr. [Trollope] went to Turin to obtain Gar's paper
for a "Life"[?] but nothing could be obtained  as the general could not be heard from. Oh  dear! How everybody finds his level! I'll have  us more heroes. Let me have a phrotagraph of your  new bust that I hear hear so highly praised  Ever yours, Kate Field. 


Miss Charlotte Cushman.  Rome  Per steamer  Young Ned. 


Field, Kate, 1838-1896


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Florence, Italy

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Field, Kate, 1838-1896, “Letter from Kate Field to Charlotte Cushman, Mar 15, 1860,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 22, 2024, https://archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/375.

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