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  • To is exactly "Fields, James Thomas, 1817-1881"

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to James Fields, Sep 25, [1860]

CC to JF, 1860-09-25.pdf
Cushman thanks James for his efforts with respect to her adopted son Ned Cushman who has found a position in Boston. In Boston, Ned is expected to gain a general knowledge of the business and study bookkeeping and French. Emma Crow and Ned Cushman…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to the Fields Family, [before 1876]

CC to AF and Jf, 1876.pdf
Cushman invites the Fields family to come over for a visit. She describes Mr Tilton as short-tempered. Credit Huntington Library, James Thomas Fields Papers and Addenda

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to James Fields, [before 1876]

CC to JF, 1876.pdf
Charlotte Cushman asks James to forward her regrets to Mr. Longfellow as she will not be able to meet with him because she is departing for Newport. Credit Huntington Library, James Thomas Fields Papers and Addenda

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to the Fields family, July 22, 1872

CC to AF and JF, 1872-07-22.pdf
Charlotte is on a picnic with Emma Crow's boys and admires the villa and the garden. She talks about the books she has been reading and compliments James' book which she perceives "as genial as [himself]". Annie recommended a public reading which…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to the Fields family, Apr 16, 1872

CC to AF and JF, 1872-04-16.pdf
Cushman suffers from her strained vocal chords, a cancelled reading event, and the resulting financial loss. She draws James Fields's attention to a 'Peace Saga' that Cushman wants him to publish in the Atlantic. She explicitly mentions that she…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to the Fields family, Mar 30, 1871

CC to AF and JF, 1871-03-30.pdf
The Fields family has sent some books, for which Cushman is grateful, while also lamenting the fact that she and Emma Stebbins missed out on seeing them due to time constraints. Furthermore, Cushman informs the Fields about her health condition.…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to James Fields, July 25, 1869

CC to JF, 1869-07-25.pdf
Charlotte Cushman writes to James and expresses her thanks for a book he published and sent to Emma Stebbins and her. Cushman's bust for the Music Hall is mentioned. Credit Huntington Library, James Thomas Fields Papers and Addenda

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to James Fields, July 7, 1869

CC to JF, 1869-07-07.pdf
Cushman laments the fact that she was unable to answer Annie Fields's note from Scotland as she has been occupied. She notes that she has not been able to meet with James yet and hopes to see him in the future. Cushman also mentions both Emmas who…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to James and Annie Fields, May 16, 1869

Letter from CC to JF, May 16, 1869
Cushman writes about correspondence concerning the purchase of a bust and expresses her worries about the payment. Both Emmas, Emma Crow Cushman and Emma Stebbins, are with Cushman. Credit Huntington Library, James Thomas Fields Papers and Addenda

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to James Fields, Oct 2, 1868

CC to JF, 1868-10-02.pdf
Cushman regrets not having visited the Fields in Boston. She describes their house in Charles St as her "nest." She is grateful for James's parcel he sent her and gives him further instructions in terms of business matters with different…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to James Fields, Sep 21, 1868

Letter from CC to JF, September 21, 1868
A brother-in-law of Emma Cushman, Mr Carr, who was once an editor for a St. Louis newspaper, has been down on his luck recently. Cushman suggests that Fields should talk to him and offer him his help. She trusts in his abilities as Fields turns…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to James Fields, Sep 5, [1868]

CC to JF, 1868-09-5.pdf
Cushman caught a cold but hopes that she will be well enough to show up at the theater on Monday. Credit Huntington Library, James Thomas Fields Papers and Addenda

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to James Fields, Aug 15, 1868

Letter from CC to JF, August 15, 1868
Cushman tells Fields about her travel plans and how she will go to see the Crow family in St. Louis. She also notifies him of some books she wants him to send. Cushman discusses some financial issues about the books, asking whether his publishing…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Annie and James Fields, July 30, [1868]

Letter from CC to Af and JF, July 30, 1868
Cushman is writing on behalf of herself and Emma Stebbins, inquiring about the well-being of the Fields family and asking the Fields to join them for a trip to the White Mountains. Emma has been ill for several days, they have retreated to a…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to James Fields, July 15, 1868

Letter from CC to JF, July 15, 1868
Cushman has sent packages to London and mentions an essay (written by Elizabeth Peabody as indicated in a letter from Cushman to Annie Fields) about the genius of Hawthorne which may encourage more public attention to the Marble Faun. Cushman…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to James Thomas Fields, Dec 31, 1864

Letter from CC to JT, December 31, 1864
Charlotte Cushman describes Anne Brewster as "an old dear friend of younger days." Stebbins cannot pay the exchange for the casting and transport of her statue. Cushman asks James to interfere on Stebbins' behalf and talk to Dr. Howe. Additionally,…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Thomas Fields, Aug 27, 1864

Letter from CC to JT, August 27, 1864
Cushman informs Fields that Emma Cushman is doing well in her pregnancy, while Emma Stebbins is not in high spirits due to money issues related to her Mann statue. The Sewards are mentioned. Credit Huntington Library, James Thomas Fields Papers and…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to James Fields, Nov 21, 1862

Letter from CC to JT, November 21, 1862
Tilton has not been handling the sending of Cushman's belongings very well. Cushman is grateful for the books James Fields has sent her way, but comments on him forgetting to do so as of lately. These two issues cause her describe men (="sex") as…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to the Fields Family, July 25, 1862

CC to AF and JF, 1862-06-25.pdf
Charlotte Cushman writes to the Fields about the books they've sent them, the aftermath of Emma Crow Cushman's miscarriage, and the current issues she is dealing with regarding family and house. Cushman's children will be leaving for St.…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to James Fields, Mar 15, 1862

CC to JF, 1862-03-15.pdf
Charlotte Cushman asks James to talk to Dr. Mark Howe in order for the latter to pay Emma Stebbins for her work on a statue. Cushman is worried that Stebbins will struggle financially if Howe does not pay for the work. Henry Stebbins is in charge of…