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  • Tags: illness/death

Letter from Grace Greenwood to James Fields, Sep 28, 1853

Huntington, JTFP, Box 41, FI 1786, SJL to JF, Sep 28, 1853.pdf
Greenwood informs Fields that she has received an application from a certain Mr. Tufts from Boston. He wishes to arrange for the sole agency of their papers. She asks Fields to inform her husband if Tufts is reliable enough to…

Letter from Grace Greenwood to James Fields, Oct 24, 1853

Huntington, JTFP, Box 41, FI 1788, SJL to JF, Oct 24, 1853.pdf
Greenwood reports that she has almost recovered from her illness. She is pleased with Fields retaining "Haps and Mishaps" as the title of her book and thanks him for his favor regarding the damaged luggage. Greenwood wonders whether Fields will…

Letter from Grace Greenwood to James Fields, Feb 1, 1854

Huntington, JTFP, Box 41, FI 1795, SJL to JF, Feb 1, 1854.pdf
Greenwood explains why she has not replied to Fields' previous letter sooner. She compliments his new edition of poems, calling it "a perfect love of a book as well as a book of loves." She questions, however, why he has not included Moonrise at Sea…

Letter from Grace Greenwood to James Fields, Feb 20, 1854

Huntington, JTFP, Box 41, FI 1752, SJL to JF, Feb 20, 1854.pdf
Greenwood has not been well of late as she has fallen ill after the sudden death of her father on the 15th. She asks Fields to send a copy of Haps and Mishaps to William Birney, the editor of The Daily Register in Philadelphia, who has published a…

Letter from Grace Greenwood to James Fields, Mar 3, 1854

Huntington, JTFP, Box 41, FI 1798, SJL to JF, Mar 3, 1854.pdf
Greenwood informs Fields about how he should take the medicine for nausea as prescribed by Dr. Laurie.Dickens awaits Haps and Mishaps with "friendly interest." She has not heard of Ticknor for some time and asks Fields to find poetry for The Little…

Letter from Henry F. Chorley to Charlotte Cushman, May 14, 1859

CCP 19 Chorley to CC Part 1 Letter 3 OV.pdf
Charlotte Cushman's sister Susan Meriman Muspratt has died, and Chorley offers his condolences.Credit Library of Congress,Charlotte Cushman Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to the Fields Family, [1860]

CC to AF and JF, 1860(Rome).pdf
Charlotte Cushman does not want to let Emma Stebbins' sickness interfere with the excursion the Fields had planned. Cushman does not leave without Stebbins. Credit Huntington Library, James Thomas Fields Papers and Addenda

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, July 5, 1861

CCP 1, 289-290, Letters 1861 July 5 - OV.pdf
Cushman writes Emma that she will be looking out for her at the Worcester station the following evening in case Emma wants Cushman to stay with her. If not, she will continue to Boston and meet her there on Sunday. Leaving Emma leaves her…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Jane Welsh Carlyle, Jan 28, 1862

NLS, ms1774, ff 227, Charlotte Cushman to Jane Welsh Carlyle, Jan 28, 1862.pdf
Charlotte Cushman is worried about Jane Carlyle's illness. She also mentions her own and Stebbins's illness as well as political unrest and democratic endeavors in Europe. Credit National Library of Scotland

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, Dec 5-6, 1862

CCP 2, 496-500, CC to ECC Dec 5-6 1862.pdf
As Emma Crow Cushman is married and busy decorating and furnishing her house, Charlotte Cushman thinks nostalgically of more frequent and longer "old time letters." Repeatedly, Charlotte mentions that Emma's husband, and Charlotte's nephew and…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, Dec 26, 1862

CCP 2, 507-512, CC to ECC Dec 26 1862 Omeka.pdf
Charlotte Cushman would like her family to live closer to her, thinking of Ned but Emma Crow Cushman in particular. She mentions translation issues and cultural differences between Rome/Italy and the US. Cushman also informs Emma about the pain in…

Letter from Emma Crow to Edwin Booth, March 6, 1863

Emma Crow sends her condolescences to Edwin Booth and his small daughter after the death of Mary Devlin Booth.

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, Aug 25, 1865

CCP 3, 803-814, CC to ECC 1865, Aug 25.pdf
Cushman had been feeling "dreadfully depressed" due to the sulfur water but her doctor put her on saline chalybeate, which has improved her health significantly. Ned is suffering a few physical ailments as well, which Cushman ascribes to his…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, Aug 28, 1865

CCP 3, 803-814, CC to ECC 1865, Aug 28.pdf
Cushman is glad to hear that Emma, Ned, and their baby are in good health. She is, however, worried about the baby striking his head when he learns to walk and asks Emma to inquire a doctor about some medicine as a precaution. She should also ask…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, Aug 31, 1865

CCP 3, 803-814, CC to ECC 1865, Aug 31.pdf
Cushman is grateful for Emma's words of comfort as her mind is currently "crowded with cares & anxieties of many kinds." She regrets that Emma's baby has a cold and hopes Emma has by now seen Dr. Franco.Cushman asks Emma to convey the latest…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, Sep 17, 1865

CCP 3, Cushman correspondence 1865 1-5.pdf
Cushman thanks Emma for her thoughtful letters and states that the world would be "very bare & bitter" without her. She asks Emma to be patient with her as she is still struggling with her health, but she assures her that she "shall come out all…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, Sep 21, 1865

CCP 3, Cushman correspondence 1865 6-8.pdf
Cushman recounts her travels with Miss Lloyd from Gateacre to Bolton Abbey. Miss Lloyd has convinced her to pay her a visit in Wales, which will cut her stay in London short. She is feeling much better in regards to her health as she realized that…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman and Sallie Mercer to Emma Crow Cushman, Sep 26, 1865

CCP 3, Cushman correspondence 1865 9-11.pdf
Cushman was very worried about not having received a reply from Emma to the degree of feeling "weak & trembly."The man Cushman has instructed to oversee the passage of the horses is not able to speak English, therefore, Ned is supposed to…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Helen Hunt Jackson, June 27, [1869?]

Charlotte Cushman is currently undergoing breast cancer treatment. She is surrounded by her friends and with Emma Stebbins.Transcripts courtesy of Nancy Knipe, Colorado College.

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, June 27, 1869

CCP 4, 1134-1143, CC to ECC 1869 June-1-3.pdf
Cushman is feeling much better because of her water treatment. She deeply misses Emma and her children and hopes that they will join her in Malvern after their return from Paris.Rosalie has improved in health, in part due to Cushman's care, and will…