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Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, Oct 4, 1865

CCP 3, Cushman correspondence 1865 15-17.pdf
Cushman has been feeling physically weaker and her disappointment in various people has added to her suffering. Especially Emma Stebbins' infidelity has affected her and only Emma Cushman's love has "[kept her] above drowning."Upon her arrival in…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, Sep 29, 1865

CCP 3, Cushman correspondence 1865 12-14.pdf
Cushman has been anxious about the delivery of Ms. Jane's laces. She has been enjoying her peaceful stay in Wales, away from the noise of the city, and praises Miss Lloyd's efforts as a hostess. Sally has already left to attend to matters in…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman and Sallie Mercer to Emma Crow Cushman, Sep 26, 1865

CCP 3, Cushman correspondence 1865 9-11.pdf
Cushman was very worried about not having received a reply from Emma to the degree of feeling "weak & trembly."The man Cushman has instructed to oversee the passage of the horses is not able to speak English, therefore, Ned is supposed to…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, Sep 21, 1865

CCP 3, Cushman correspondence 1865 6-8.pdf
Cushman recounts her travels with Miss Lloyd from Gateacre to Bolton Abbey. Miss Lloyd has convinced her to pay her a visit in Wales, which will cut her stay in London short. She is feeling much better in regards to her health as she realized that…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, Sep 17, 1865

CCP 3, Cushman correspondence 1865 1-5.pdf
Cushman thanks Emma for her thoughtful letters and states that the world would be "very bare & bitter" without her. She asks Emma to be patient with her as she is still struggling with her health, but she assures her that she "shall come out all…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, Aug 28, 1865

CCP 3, 803-814, CC to ECC 1865, Aug 28.pdf
Cushman is glad to hear that Emma, Ned, and their baby are in good health. She is, however, worried about the baby striking his head when he learns to walk and asks Emma to inquire a doctor about some medicine as a precaution. She should also ask…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, Aug 21, 1865

CCP 3, 803-814, CC to EC, Aug 21, 1865.pdf
Emma will soon travel from Versailles to Paris to meet her sister and mother. Cushman offers Emma some advice for her stay and suggests leaving the baby with the nurse in Versailles so that she has less work on her hands.Cushman is not surprised by…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, Aug 17, 1865

CCP 3, 841-843, CC to ECC Aug 17, 1865. Omeka.pdf
Charlotte Cushman discusses health issues, UK accommodation costs, how important it is to know French for one's reputation in Rome, and hints at a potential future pregnancy of Emma Crow referring to her son's "little sister who means to come some…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Thomas Fields, Aug 27, 1864

Letter from CC to JT, August 27, 1864
Cushman informs Fields that Emma Cushman is doing well in her pregnancy, while Emma Stebbins is not in high spirits due to money issues related to her Mann statue. The Sewards are mentioned. Credit Huntington Library, James Thomas Fields Papers and…

Record of the Metropolitan Fair in Aid of the United States Sanitary Commission Held at New York in April 1864

1864. Metropolitan Fair US Sanitary Commission excerpt. Omeka.pdf
The excerpt praises Cushman's performance of "Macbeth" together with Edwin Booth retrospectively""It was perhaps the most memorable of all the public performances given to the Sanitary Commission."The record ispublished in 1867, three years after the…

"Personal," Lowell Daily Citizen and News, March 26 1864

1864. GG as Lecturer in Army, Omeka.pdf
A report stating that Greenwood visited the Potomac army and is due to give four lectures to "large audiences". Credit Readex: America's Historical Newspapers

Cobbe's Italics: Brief Notes on Politics, People and Places in Italy (1864)

Cobbe_Italics. Brief notes on politics, people, and places in Italy, in 1864 excerpt1.pdf
Among others, the text mentions Hosmer and Cushman. Cobbe describes the Cushman household as a "women club." Credit Hathi Trust

Letter from Frederick William Seward to Frances Miller Seward, Oct 18, 1863

Cushman is touring for the Sanitary Commission, Emma Crow Cushman is accompanying her. Credit Seward Family Digital Archive

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Mr. Danop, Oct 16, 1863

NYPL Misc Papers MssCol 9069 Cushman letters misc Oct 16, 1863.pdf
Cushman verifies Oct 27 as the date for her charity performance. She has prepared the roles of Lady Macbeth and Meg Merrilees. Credit New York Public Library

Sanitary Commission Performance, Sept 12, 1863

The Library Company of Philadelphia collects the following original wording from a document that advertises Cushman's performance. The document was found in a scrapbook:"Academy of Music. Benefit of the United States Sanitary Commission on Saturday…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, Dec 26, 1862

CCP 2, 507-512, CC to ECC Dec 26 1862 Omeka.pdf
Charlotte Cushman would like her family to live closer to her, thinking of Ned but Emma Crow Cushman in particular. She mentions translation issues and cultural differences between Rome/Italy and the US. Cushman also informs Emma about the pain in…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Jane Welsh Carlyle, July 15, 1862

NLS, ms1774, 235-236 recto, Cushman to Jane Carlyle in Ms. 1771 dated 15 July 1862.pdf
Cushman plans to meet Carlyle and writes about her "loving admiration" for Jane. Credit National Library of Scotland

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Jane Welsh Carlyle, July 12, 1862

NLS, ms1774, 233-234 recto, Cushman to Jane Carlyle in Ms. 1771 dated 12 July 1862.pdf
Cushman inquires about a meeting with Jane Carlyle. Credit National Library of Scotland

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow, March 13, 1862

CCP Box 2 Letters 1862 March.pdf
Charlotte Cushman calls Emma Crow Cushman her "daughter." Cushman laments the dishonesty and greed in the times of the Civil War. She was relieved to hear from Ned and Emma and is now longing to return to "America."Ned and Emma may have to move in…

[no title], Cincinnati Daily Press, Dec 13, 1861

1861. Cincinnati Daily Press. CC home in Rome.pdf
This short entry in a section dedicated for house wives reports that Charlotte Cushman is in Rome and is mostly engaging in charitable activities. Credit, Ancestry