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"Some Interesting Facts," Colored American Magazine, July 1, 1902

African American Periodicals, 1825-1995_gossip about racial background.pdf
This opinion piece written by Cyrus Field Adams about racial mixing states that "[i]t is common gossip in the South that many of the leading families have a strain of Negro blood in their veins." This statement is backed up by the author's intimate…

Letter from Henry Alden to Charlotte Cushman, Nov 3, 1874

CCP Box 9 Alden to CC.pdf
The editor of Harper's magazine asks Charlotte Cushman to write a contribution to the magazine speaking about her career. Alden presents himself as speaking on behalf of Cushman's friends rather than making a request as an editor.He includes the sum…

Barrett's Lecture "Charlotte Cushman" (1889)

Barrett_Charlotte Cushman. A Lecture (1889)-pages 26-75.pdf
A Lecture by L. Barrett, with an Appendix Containing a Letter from Joseph N. Ireland
The quote from Barrett given in Waters's biography of Cushman shows that Barrett was a great admirer of Cushman.


Letter from Isa Blagden to Charlotte Cushman, July [1], 1869

LoC. Isa Blagden to CC. Vol 9.pdf
Isa Blagden regrets that Charlotte Cushman has been in bad health recently. She suggests that Cushman should have a blood transfusion to attempt to improve her condition and points out that Cushman's cancer may be inherited.Blagden has also enclosed…

"Grace Greenwood," Waukesha Daily Freeman, July 13, 1882

1882. Waukesha Daily Freeman. GG Bio.pdf
Sarah K. Bolton writes a favorable biographical account of Grace Greenwood. Bolton introduces the article by characterizing her relationship to Greenwood from admiration from a distance to affection as long-term acquaintences.The author states that…

Letter from Mary Devlin Booth to Emma Crow Cushman, Feb 26, 1862

Mary Devlin Booth writes to Emma Cushman about her health, exercise, her baby, their life in London, their cottage, her request for news of Boston, and other matters. Mary Booth mentions her precious friendship with Charlotte Cushman and her deep…

Letter from Mary Devlin Booth to Emma Crow Cushman, Nov 10[?], 1862

Mary Devlin Booth writes an affectionate letter to her friend Emma Cushman. She mentions a yearning for Emma which she has "never experienced before" (page 2): "I know if your husband saw this he would call this silly & me along with it: for he…

Letter from Mary Devlin to Charlotte Cushman, Nov 4, 1858

Darling Miss Cushman,Need I tell you how grateful I am for your thought of me, and how pleased I was at your present, --suffice it is to say that through the politeness of Capt Leitch I received it safely and longed for your presence to kiss, and…

Letter from Mary Devlin Booth to Emma Crow Cushman, Oct 4, 1861 (Excerpt)

My cherished friend[...] Your Aunty is ere this I presume at Rome--where no doubt cherie would like to be too; although I'm sure that you will find in Boston the right kind of society, as in everything 'stamped' Boston.--Your Grandma was to have…

Letter from Mary Devlin Booth to Emma Crow Cushman, Jan 13[?], 1862

My darling friend[...] I was very much annoyed at receiving a Boston Post' with a comment upon Miss 'Edwina Booth'. I cannot imagine who could have given publicity to such a private matter; they knew little about it--to say 'born in…

Letter from Mary Devlin Booth to Emma Crow Cushman, May 11, 1862

Emma Crow seems to be pregnant again. Mary Devlin is delighted for her and speculates on the gender of the baby. She wonders whether Charlotte Cushman will visit Paris soon.

Letter from Mary Devlin Booth to Emma Crow Cushman, Jan 22, 1863

My dear Emma[...] Last night we went to see J Wilkes B--for the first time. We were very much pleased with him--but he has a great deal to learn&unlearn. Just think how short the time is, before you will see your Aunty!--how happy you must…

Bradford's "Charlotte Cushman" (1925/1932)

Bradford_Biography and the Human Heart. 1905. Cushman.pdf
In his biography Biography and the Human Heart (1932), Bradford republished the article (The North American Review, Vol. 221, No. 827 (Jun. - Aug., 1925)) as a chapter. Other biographical chapters covered Walt Whitman or Henry Longfellow, for…

Diary Entry by Anne H. Brewster about the Breakup of Charlotte Cushman and Matilda Hays

ABP Box 4 5, diary 1876. On CC and Hays_excerpt.pdf
The complete diary entry for June 5, 1876 is 24 pages long and details the time Harriet Hosmer and Anne H. Brewster spent together. The last eight pages (transcribed here) recount, how Hosmer witnessed the passionate breakup of Charlotte Cushman and…

Anne Brewster's "Miss Cushman," Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Aug 1878

1878. August. Blackwoods Magazine. Brewster about CC Omeka.pdf
Anne Brewster describes the relationship between herself and Charlotte Cushman starting at the beginning of the 1840s as an "intimacy" and "intimate friendship". Together they were reading plays and preparing for Charlotte's performances on stage.…

"American Artists in Rome," Boston Daily Evening Transcript, July 3, 1869

1869. Boston Daily Evening Transcript. American Artists in Rome.pdf
The reprint from the Philadelphia Bulletin gives insights into the expatriate community of American artists living and working in Rome. It relies on Brewster's own observations and hearsay. Credit

"New Ornaments for Central Park," Burlington Free Press, June 19, 1869

1869. Burlington Free Press. Brewster about Stebbins Statue.pdf
This article reprints a passage written by Anne Brewster in the Philadelphia Bulletin which describes the process of Emma Stebbins creating her sculpture for the Central Park in New York. Credit

"Angelic American Females Radiating at Rome," Daily Journal of Commerce, June 1, 1871

1871. Daily Journal of Commerce. Females at Rome.pdf
The article recounts a studio reception of the artist Healy from Brewster's perspective. Credit

"Roman Scandal," Chicago Tribune, March 3, 1877

1877. Chicago Tribune. Roman Scandal. European Gossip.pdf
The reprint from the New York World recounts a wedding scandal of the rich Marchese Lezzani family. The incident has been widely discussed among affluent members of the Roman society. Credit