Transcript of Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Rosalie, July 21, 1874

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Transcript of Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Rosalie, July 21, 1874


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
Cushman, Edwin "Ned" Charles, 1838-1909
Cushman, Emma Crow, 1839-1920
Stebbins, Emma, 1815-1882
Intimacy--As topic


Charlotte Cushman undergoes water treatment. She mentions her adopted son Ned and some financial affairs. Rosalie will marry Mr Roberts of whom Ned has a very favorable opinion. Charlotte tells Rosalie that Rosalie’s mother could not marry the man she loved. Cushman discusses marriage and love. She sends her greetings to Mr Roberts who apparently sent a photograph of him to Cushman. Charlotte is still in great pain. She strongly advises Rosalie not to show her letters to anyone else unless she is asked to do so.

Transcripts by Jennie Lorenz


Library of Congress, Charlotte Cushman Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876







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[page 1] (In possession of Miss C Roberts)
Letter to Rosalie from C.C.
"Newport, R.I. July 21" 1874
"Dearest Rosalie. I have recd. two letters from you of & a letter little note from Mr. Roberts since I was able to write to you. I have been so dreadfully busy since I began the water treatments that I don't get time with my four baths a day— to do any thing in the way of writing—but just my business letters you can pardon me I am sure, in the hope that I am getting good from the treatments—which will enable me by &[?] bye to have more leisure and more strength. Your letter [?] of the 4" July came safe to hand—followed in a couple of days by a long letter from your brother Ned. explaining all he had done in your affairs & giving me great relief of mind. I sent him abroad—first to finish [?] settle [inserted] up this matter of yours. then to wind up my Roman affairs—but if he had done does [?] [inserted] nothing else— but only this settlement of your affairs—I shall feel satisfied that the money is well spent—which it has cost me. He seems to have taken the buss [?] bull by the horses horns & completely molified them. He says it he is insisting that you are to be married from your own house. The Hollies. This is as it should be—I charged him before he left me what he should do—but he has done better than I thought He says he has taken his passage for the 3 Sep  3rd Sept.

[page 2] (Letter. July 21, 1874)
and if [!] he gets through his business he will sail on the 25 August. How will you manage the wedding—if he is uncertain with it [?] and to his day of sailing—I suppose, though, that he will give you sufficient warning to enable you to fix the day I am so thankful, darling— that it is settled—and that you are able to marry the man of your choice—so few girls do that—cirumstances are ofter such that it is impossible—& when a woman marries from interest & not from the highest & truest affection—I do not see how she can expect any true happiness—marriage at the best is but a lottery—The coming together into one life & one house—two people who have been brought up very differently with different opinions & associations is very very difficult at the best & even if bond together by the sincerest love each find that there is much to excuse, & accommodate & make the best of— when people love each other much this is easier—when temper —and by affection—I believe from what you have told me of Mr. Roberts & from Neds [sic] opinion of him which is very favourable, that you have chosen wisely for your own happiness—herein you are happier far than your poor mother was—who was not able to marry the man she most cared for, hence she

[page 3] (Letter, July 21, 1874)
led anything but a happy life. I pray God dear that your marriage may be blessed to you in every way, & that you will find at the end of each year—you are happier in your husband. than you were the year before. You must say everything that is nice to Mr. Roberts for me. I wish I could see him—but as I do not I am very glad to have his photograph which is very nice you must thank him for it for me.—You will wonder that I am writing such a queer little scrawling letter—but I am very poorly today & obliged to sit in my easy chair & write upon my knee— another of my sharp attacks—commencing in chill & fever a drowsiness—I feel very miserable—& fear another abscess which generally follows these attacks. I had a very bad one on the 3d of July up at Hyde [?] Park—which I thought would give me a respite—but it appears that everything time I take the remotest liberty with myself. I have got to have one of these bad attacks—but I came out of the last one better & easier than I have any other before. & perhaps this one may be light—I am sure I hope so—but I am in great pain//The Chartrain[?] girls make many enquiries about you & your if you are married. they say: it is too bad you are so bothered. but they have greatly rejoiced when I told them that your brother had settled it all. I have not seen Em Warren[?] or the Chase

[page 4] (Lettr [sic] July 21, 1874)
girls since I came here. Em offended me last season in coaxing Mr & Mrs [?] and child away—& I cannot forgive her. Mr. Child came in on Tuesday. Sunday—he was on his way through from Phila & stopped over the Sunday.—he looks very well—but is very sad. He says each day he it seems harder to realize that she should have passed away. He says she was too lovely [circled] lonely? [inserted]—all through her last illness. was it not a strange thing that Henry[?] child his[?] brother should have died within five days after her death & before he had heard of it. He had been dissipating a little & you know Italy[?] wont bear that [?] He died of apoplexy a letter of yours to him—at Louen[?] Louen [inserted, sic]—has been sent to me shall I burn it. I have not opened it—or would you rather I should send it back to you. I have a letter from her to you—which she had written some time before her death—but had not your address—& sent to me for it I had failed to send it to her & Mr. Child has sent it to me for you. Shall I send it! I was so troubled that you had sent my last letter to you, to your Uncle Richard to read—when I intend a letter to be seen by others—I always say so. & ask you to send it on—Your doing this—with a letter which I did

[page 5] (Lettr July 21, 1874)
not write for him to see—only made it more difficult for me to do[?] anything—for it made him angry, else he would have never used such an expression as "billing[?] of" +++  for the [circled] [both words added in pencil] to my language. You ought to be more prudent or you will be plunged into endless difficulty. It troubled me so much that I could not write to you—but sent you a message through your uncle Charles. This was a thing your father might have done—but was unworthy of your sense. I am glad to hear that Mabel is satisfied with her school which seems any thing but a school. She has easier times than you had. Your uncle Richard told your brother Ned that they anticipated plenty of trouble with her. for she would not hold on to her engagement to the end. Will you please tell me what the stockings cost— which you sent out by the parcel[?]by the Marathon[?] —she wants to know particlarly Now God bless you my dearest Rosalie & make you happy in everyway. Give my kindest regards to my nephew that is to be. I hope I shall see him some time. I am very fatigued with writing. best love but ever [both words added in pencil] ever your loving auntie (over)

[page 6] Emma— and Miss Stebbins & Miss Wilkinson send you kindest love and heartiest good wishes—I wish I knew what you would most like for a wedding present. I think I must do as I did with your dear mother give you money & let you buy yourselves with it as your mother did. You might let me know


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Newport, RI, US

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Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876, “Transcript of Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Rosalie, July 21, 1874,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 27, 2024,

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