Transcript of Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Rosalie, Sept 20, 1874

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Transcript of Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Rosalie, Sept 20, 1874


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
Cushman, Edwin "Ned" Charles, 1838-1909
Muspratt, Susan Cushman, 1822-1859
Social Events--Misc.
Mercer, Sallie


Charlotte Cushman tells her niece how happy she is for Rosalie and her husband. Their marriage is based on love, which was denied to Rosalie's mother Susan.
Cushman also admits that she might have misjudged Mrs Muspratt and advises Rosalie to stay in touch with her family, the Muspratts. Cushman also defends Charles, Rosalie's uncle.
Cushman compares Mabel Muspratt to her father.

Transcripts by Jennie Lorenz


Library of Congress, Charlotte Cushman Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


LoC, JLP 1





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[page 1] Letter fo C.C. to Rosalie (Property of Miss C. Roberts)

"New York City Sept 20d 1874

Dearest Rosalie— Your most welcome letter of the 30" of August— from Craig Oban [in pencil]—came to me by the hand of dear Ned—who returned to us very safely & very well last Monday morning—rather a long passage for the Brittanic [in pencil]—but he came safely—& that was the best for us. He has got very stout during his trip & his English frock coat made him look stouter still He seems quite delighted with his trip & was of course quite full of the wedding & all the steps leading to it. as it was the most important thing I sent him to do— of course it was the most important to be explained to me in all its preliminary ramifications before he left—he came to me at Newport. & I gave him full & particular instructions as to how he was to proceed & I feel as if the result was well worth all the expenditure of means & brains for you are made happy—& +++ are I hope

[page 2] (Lettr [sic] of Sept. 20, 1874)
buried & animosities smoothed down. Mrs. Muspratt seems to have behaved much more liberally than you gave her credit for—& I cannot help thinking we have misjudged her—she has not had a bed of roses—poor soul—& perhaps we ought to have had more patience with her. From what your uncle Richard told Ned—I imagine you will get more than $1200 a year from your share of the estate— over the £1000 a year which she reserves for keeping up the Hollies. You say, about£200 [inserted] a year but Ned says it will be nearer £300—I am sure I hope so—for though with Mr. Roberts [sic] income from the business—you will not need it still—it establishes your right in your fathers will—& your inheritance—& this is a great point gained. Ned told me about your house which you had rented it is where your poor mother longed for a house when she first married your father—when old Mr. Muspratt straightened them down to living on £1000 a year—& keeping up an establishment on that carriage & horse &c &c. Ned told me of all your beautiful presents & how handsome you looked at

[page 3] (Lettr of Sept. 20, 1874)

your wedding & how very happy you seemed. & of all the flogs flying in the village—& the wedding breakfast & I could only cry at the account— in thinking of your poor dear mother and grandmother—& all that they would have felt & done on the occasion—They were with you dear Rose—unseen witnesses of your first real true happiness— God send you many days happier in every way than even that one—& may you prove all your anticipation in your husband. I suppose by this time—you are about yo returning to the little vest you have made for yourselves. I only wish I could see it – & all your pretty things about you & above all your "master of arts"—I hope very earnestly—that you & he may find it among the possibilities of your—to come over to America to see me next year. I do hope dear Rosalie—that you and Mr. Roberts will let by gones be bygones. & accept the state of things which your relations have established—

[page 4] (Lettr of Sept. 20, 1874)

by their behaviour at your wedding—keep up in all ways your relations with Mrs. Muspratt—she cannot help what she is—nor what your guardians forced upon her—& from all she said to Ned—I am sure she means kindly—dont [sic] cut yourselves off from your family—in any resentful remembrance of their opposition to your wishes—they thought they were acting for the best – & perhaps they were. and dear old uncle Charles—cranky though he seems— is as sweet and kindly as he can be at heart. & we must not mind his queernesses. He has had a life so much separated from all of us—that we must not wonder–that he dont [sic] seem to care much for our desires & requirements–He means to be good & sweet & that is all that is necessary—so that at the last moment he dont [sic] fail us. He likes to agreeably disappoint us—we rather prefer that he should do it in another way—but it is his way & we must not mind it—keep up your relations with him—& coax him down to visit you—when

[page 5] (Letter of Sept. 20, 1874)

he can get a holiday & as her to come with him— whether she comes or not—the asking will please him— & you must begin to think of lining more for others— dear Rosalie—than you have heretofore thought of doing—more than two thirds—or even nine tenths of the true  [in pencil] enjoyment of life is in thinking for & doing kind offices by others. It is the most compensating life in the world—This very matter of your marriage & happiness—compensationes me entirely for all the trouble I took for it in sending Ned out & you must try & think for others & do for the happiness of others—losing yourself—you gain in every way. I was so pleased to get some of your wedding cake—& have shared it with some friends already—The Cushman children were delighted to hear all about your wedding. & taste the cake—Ned did not unpack his trunk here but Emma scuttled him off to Newport to the children—for she was anxious about them—& Mrs. Crow who had remained with them during her absence here—

[page 6] (Lettr of Sept. 20, 1874) 

was anxious to get to Mr. Crow at Cambridge—so Sallie did not get her present of the dress but she says her[?] me [inserted] thank you just all  [inserted] the same. A young friend is sailing for Liverpool on the 10" of October & she will bring to you a present from Sallie—a made by the Shakers—which work basket, she bought for you at Lenox this summer—It will be forwarded to you by parcels express. & I shall let you give her also— as you can afford it. The stockings that hats you sent out to her before— I was pained [pencil] that Mabel could not have been with you at your wedding—but from what Ned told me it has quite not brought home. [Half page here cut off.] "that I have not been able to call on them—but Emma went & made my excuses—I sincerely hope that Mabel will be kept to her promise to Mr. Forwood—she does not know what she wants, & must be guided. You must do what you can— dear—to keep her true & right[?] but she is too like her father & her aunt Mary not to require a steady (over)

[page 7] hand upon her & a steady pair of eyes too. Do all you can for her dear—& remember how little she has had of a mothers [sic] love & example to make her strong & right

[Remaindr [sic] of this page cut out.]


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876



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added by Lorenz: "Poperty of Miss C. Roberts" & further notes in brackets [ ]

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Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876, “Transcript of Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Rosalie, Sept 20, 1874,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 3, 2024,

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