Letter from Henry F. Chorley to Charlotte Cushman, Jan 27, 1847

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Letter from Henry F. Chorley to Charlotte Cushman, Jan 27, 1847


Actors and Actresses--US American
Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
Intimacy--As Source
Intimacy--With Readers/Addressees


Chorley informs Cushman that "Mr. Maddox is obviously indifferent to having" her this spring. He writes about the Haymarket Theatre and the "war of these two opera houses is running higher than I had conceived possible & my own position as a journalist which becomes increasingly delicate makes it hardly possible to ask for private information when I can." The letter is marked as "privatissimo" in the beginning.


Library of Congress, Charlotte Cushman Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. 


Chorley, Henry Fothergill, 1808-1872


LoC, CCP 10:2943





Letter Item Type Metadata


[2943] privatissimo
Dear friend. The contents of Mr. Lee's[?] note [illegible crossed out] are no more surprise to me than they ought to be discouragment to you. Mr. Maddox is obviously indifferent to having you this spring – from having his hands full! as his offer will prove to you: as to the "Surrey[?]" business having any thing to do with it — since the "Hamlet" treaty for the Haymarket was opened afterwards; that will serve to show you how far that is a genuine reason. "Patience, Cousin, & shuffle the cards" – I would desire nothing better than to see +++ in a theatre again: but where is she to get money? For Heaven's sake (!!) I do not go in that sort of boat with her. Since, tho' I believe her to mea[?n] honestly & to pay her fellow. workers so — I know their extravagance to be heinous to their partners!! You must forgive my offering you this caution. whether you read it or not: +eala, of +++  Co. Regent Street — is the person who will answer any question about the sub. letting of C.G.[?] – This, however, I dare say the Mathew's know as well as I. – Whether arranged as it is going to be. for a subscription – theatre — it could be employed for the general public again – terms questionable. I will however, poke so far as I can – but that is not very far. the war of these two opera houses is running higher than I had conceived possible & my own position as a journalist which becomes increasingly delicate makes it hardly possible to ask for private information when I can & will give no private service in return [last two words inserted]/ I have no fears of the ultimate result: as regards our matter — Meanwhile it is

[2943 reverse] a perplexing feverish time: & you can't be gladder of a long talk than I shall be I enclose Mr. Lee's letter – Also a note for Mrs. Meriman. In very great haste – but by no means in bits[?] — — Yours very faithfully
Henry F. Chorley


Chorley, Henry Fothergill, 1808-1872


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


15 Victoria Square L.S.P., North Somerset, England

Geocode (Latitude)


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Location (Recipient)

Theatre Royal, Manningham Lane, Bradford, West Yorkshire, England

Geocode Recipient (Latitude)


Geocode Recipient (Longitude)


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Chorley, Henry Fothergill, 1808-1872, “Letter from Henry F. Chorley to Charlotte Cushman, Jan 27, 1847,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 22, 2024, https://archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/514.

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