Letter from Henry F. Chorley to Charlotte Cushman, Aug 4, 1845

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Letter from Henry F. Chorley to Charlotte Cushman, Aug 4, 1845


Actors and Actresses--US American
Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Chorley writes to Charlotte Cushman about his play that he wants to be performed at the Haymarket Theatre, then under the management of Mr Webster. Chorley asks for Cushman's support.


Library of Congress, Charlotte Cushman Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. 


Chorley, Henry Fothergill, 1808-1872


LoC, CCP 10:2944-2945





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[2944] Dear Miss Cushman.
Just come from Mr. Webster: With little to tell you beyond the conviction that he is entertaining the thoughts — of you both. He could not give me My play there & then, as I wished – telling him that I did not withdraw it, but was desirous to have it, +++ I went out of England, at your disposal. —
He then said, "I suppose then[?], the Miss C's. consider the play as forming part of their engagement any where"! I said "No – very decidedly not— tho' I +++ had to place it at the disposal

[2944 reverse]"of those who had expressed then a "willingness to appear in it – I was "neither your their [inserted] agent, nor had they[?] & lightest "pretention to consider it as a saddling "condition – I only wished, that as far "as I was concerned it might not be "considered as a part from them". Then I asked whether he could give me an idea as to the possibility of all [inserted] +++ but [?, inserted] with you by him. This he declined answering, for the same reasons, he said, as had prevented his answering your agents' note. On which we parted with assurances as the +++ say, "of the highest possible consideration". so that I shall +++ the M.S. with you

[2945] (which I +++ believe he is now considering, +++ I get it: Simply saying that should it suit you to submit it any where during my absence – it may save trouble & crookedness & delay to be able to say – That as regards terms of its production, I am willing to do what is fair & liberal, provided I am met fairly & liberally. — I have seen your sister today & told you her pretty nearly as much as this: but I am a man of my word & still write A letter directed Poste Restante Venice will find her if dispatched before the 5th of September. Will you send me your address, that whe or the

[2945 reverse] channel through which a letter may reach you: as I forgot to get it. — And won't you call on my little kind. pleasant, intelligent neighbour Mr. Arnould? — No. 18 of this Square – Whom I spirited up to call on you – She being in order of intruding on one so much  after — You will find pleasant +++ friendly repose[?] in their house. +++ pray keep my play locked up from every eye but yr. own & yr. sister's I +++ things die of being talked of. In haste, very faithfully yrs Henry F. Chorley

Monday August 4/45.

[2944, top left hand corner, vertical] I start the first thing Monday morning


Chorley, Henry Fothergill, 1808-1872


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


15. Victoria Square L.S. Place, North Somerset, England

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Chorley, Henry Fothergill, 1808-1872, “Letter from Henry F. Chorley to Charlotte Cushman, Aug 4, 1845,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 22, 2024, https://archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/515.

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