Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Wayman Crow, Sep 12, 1860

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Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Wayman Crow, Sep 12, 1860


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876
Crow, Wayman, 1808-1885
Cushman, Emma Crow, 1839-1920


Cushman writes Wayman Crow about remittances concerning her debt to him. She enclosed a letter by Mr. Macalister. Cushman hopes to meet Emma in Lenox.


Library of Congress, Charlotte Cushman Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


LoC, CCP 1: 186-187





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[186] Dear Mr Crow
Amid last night from the White Mountains. I found your favour of the 6". with +++ enclosed. many many thanks
for this & all other kindnesses. recd [received] at your hands. Enclosed please find a letter from Mr Macalister rectifying mistakes to which I referred in my last letter to you. I have instructed [?] him to place the last balance. with Stuarts [?, sic] Brother. to your credit. which with the ex. you are kind enough to allow me. will leave me something about $12.903.26. in your hands. If Mr Hitchcock is fortunate enough to place the $10.000. as you have hoped. perhaps you will find another investment for $3000 & add the remainder yourself in anticipation of reimbursing yourself from my next payment 

[186 reverse] of interest from Library bonds [?]. You will perhaps burthen yourself still further & place me under renewed & increasing obligation by looking out for something for me. in which to invest [?] the amounts which you will +++ from Mr Macalisters [sic] letters. will be incoming in "October next". & October of 1861 — with the $2000 cash. Perhaps it will be as well to let the Balance you will now hold over & above the $10000 - rest in your hands +++ until this $2000 Cash. is paid. Thus making an investment in round members $5000. +++ something more favourable offers for the smaller sum. By the end of October I hope to be able to make still further remittances to you - & only hope I may not +++ the +++ of being troublesome to you! I am so glad to hear you find the girls [?] improved. certainly they wished you might do so. They seem, by their letters, to be so

[187] happy to get to you again. Emma writes me you are off to Lenox today. a bad day for your journey. perhaps you have not started. expecting that you would not get away from Newport so soon. I have made my arrangements not to be able to leave +++ here until the middle of next week. Hattie leaves on Thursday. she writes me. I have not seen her – but as I +++ hoped [inserted]. I see she is going out to St Louis. before seeing the prince. Thus she will get away to Rome Earlier. which she seems to desire. whether she gets the Arago. or some other steamer. anything floating — she says. I sincerely hope I may not miss seeing you in Lenox. it would be a very serious disappointment to me to lose my chance of seeing Emma before she leaves for the west. Hoping you are all very well with kindest regards to Ms Crow. Ever believe me +++ Yours
Charlotte Cushman 

[187 reverse] I remain here. until Tuesday morning if you wish to return Mr Macalisters [sic] letter — or you can keep it until I see you. as you will. 


Cushman, Charlotte Saunders, 1816-1876


Crow, Wayman, 1808-1885


Tremont House
Boston, Massachusetts

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“Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Wayman Crow, Sep 12, 1860,” Archival Gossip Collection, accessed July 3, 2024, https://archivalgossip.com/collection/items/show/580.

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