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Letter from Charlotte Cushman to King, n.d.

Harvard MS Thr 130. CC to King about article.pdf
Cushman mocks the gendered criticism of her figure and riding skills. Credit Houghton Library

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to [Unknown], n.d.

NYPL Misc Papers, Cushman CC to unknown, n.d..pdf
In this letter to an unknown recipient, Charlotte Cushman apologizes and declines their invitation during her stay at Bayswater, London since she is very busy and has no "breathing time". She invites the recipient to her home and wishes them…

Note from Charlotte Cushman to Edwin Booth

Cushman apologizes for not getting the chance to say goodbye to the Booths.

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Mary Devlin Booth

Cushman talks about acting as Hamlet and fears she caught an inflammation of the throat. Her engagement was cut short, most likely because Edwin Booth will play the part of Hamlet after her. She asks Mary to have Edwin commission a pattern of the…

Letter from Emma Crow Cushman to Edwin Booth

Emma Crow asks Booth whether he could help a niece of a friend who is looking to pursue a stage career.

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Sarah Anderton [?], Jan 26, [no year]

CCP 7, 2219-2222, 2245-2248, 2314-2317, CC to Sanderton, Jan 26 [no year] - OV.pdf
Cushman writes about traveling and touring in Ireland and England. She is with Matilda Hays and undergoes homeopathy treatment.As she sends her greetings to Dilberoglue via the addressee, Cushman may have written this letter to Dilberoglue's wife,…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Sarah Anderton [?], Feb 1, [no year]

CCP 7, 2219-2222, 2245-2248, 2314-2317, CC to Sanderton, Feb 1, [no year] - OV.pdf
Cushman has not been able to write to Anderton as she has been "crowded with visitors." She grows tired of having to follow etiquette "while [her] head & heart are aching." Her employment is renewed until Feb 27, afterward, she will travel to…

Letter from Grace Greenwood to Olive Risley, March 22, nd

GG to Miss Risley, March 22, nd.pdf
Greenwood indicates that Olive Risley and she are old friends. Greenwood who is not in good health invites Risley to visit her soon Credit Hanson A. Risley Papers, 1774-1908, David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Duke University

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Sarah Anderton [?], June 15, [no year]

CCP 7, 2219-2222, 2245-2248, 2314-2317, CC to Sanderton, June 15, [no year] - OV.pdf
Cushman exchanges poems with Anderton and praises her writing. She has reunited with Eliza Cook, who is disappointed that Cushman is so preoccupied with her engagements.Cushman comments on the poor behavior of Mr. S. [Stamnes?] and states that she…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Sarah Anderton [?], June 26, [no year]

CCP 7, 2219-2222, 2245-2248, 2314-2317, CC to Sanderton, June 26, [no year] - OV.pdf
Cushman has not been able to write Anderton as she has a new role to study and rehearse for. She praises Anderton's writing and returns her verses with annotations from Eliza Cook, who thinks that Anderton exhibits "great poetic talent."Cushman…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Park Benjamin, October 13

Harvard MS Thr 130_Benjamin.pdf
The letter is addressed to Park Benjamin at The New World Office in NYC. No year is given but it must have been written between 1840 (when The New World entered the newspaper market) and March 1844 (when Park Benjamin stepped down as…

Gossip (Washington, DC, 1891)

Gossip 1891 Vol 1.1.pdf
This is the first issue of Gossip, published in Washington, DC, in 1891 (a periodical of the same name appeared in New York in 1900). Numbers 1 to 11 are available on microfilm in the Library of Congress. No other copy seems to have survived – nor…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Sarah Josepha Hale, Sep 22, 1830

JLP 5 Copied Correspondance.pdf
Harold Moulton sends photostatic copies of two autographed letters to Lorenz in this correspondence. For the transcription of the second letter, see Item 1020.The first letter is from Charlotte Cushman to Mrs Sarah J. Hale, Editor of “Lady’s Book”…

Cushman's first professional appearance as Countess Almaviva in The Marriage of Figaro, April 1835

On April 8, 1835, Cushman made her debut on the stage at the Tremont Theatre in Boston in the role of Countess Almaviva in The Marriage of Figaro. While Cushmam's performance seemingly betrayed her nerves, contemporary reviews praised her…

Baltimore Gazette and Daily Advertiser, April 17, 1835

Gazette 1835 April Cushman Opera.PNG
One of the earliest public notices of Charlotte Cushman's performances: A short notice of her first professional appearance in the opera The Marriage of Figaro (April 1835 in Boston). The article mentions that "Mrs Wood had expressed herself [...]…

Letter from E. B. Fisher to Charlotte Cushman, Sept 13, 1836

CCP 11, 3312-3313, Fisher to CC, Sept 13, 1836.pdf
Fisher presents himself as a great admirer of Charlotte Cushman. He offers her his 'services' in terms of press coverage, e.g. in the Philadelphia papers, and supporting her in her career ambitions. Credit Library of Congress, Charlotte Cushman…

Letter from E. B. Fisher to Charlotte Cushman, Oct 7, 1836

CCP 11, 3310, CC to Fisher, Oct 7, 1836.pdf
Fisher asks Charlotte Cushman to refrain from contacting him again. He expresses a firmly rooted disappointment in and aversion to society ("a scandal loving world"). Fisher touches upon an issue of Cushman being involved ("intimacy") with the…

Letter from E. B. Fisher to Charlotte Cushman, Oct 8, [1836]

CCP 11, 3311, Fisher to CC, Oct 8.pdf
Fisher describes himself as an unworthy correspondent to Charlotte Cushman. He praises her talent as an actress and apologizes for past mistakes without specifying what he is talking about. He agrees to her request that they should not meet…

"Editors' Table," Godey's Lady's Book, Jan 1840 to Dec 1877

Editor's Table 1.pdf
"Editor's Table" is a column in Godey's Lady's Book that covers a vast variety of topics, often relating to women's issues in some way. Recurring topics include book recommendations and literary reviews, short biographies of public figures and…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Mr. Harrington, July 15, 1840

MS Ch.G.1.26. CC to Mr. Harrington, July 15, 1840.pdf
Charlotte Cushman asks for "something theatrical of a good prose article" about one of Felicia Hemans's letters to be published in Burton's Magazine. Credit Boston Public Library