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  • Tags: illness/death

Letter from Byron Smith to Unknown, Aug 31, 1894[?]

CCP Box 13 Byron Smith to Unknown.pdf
Talking of Charlotte Cushman, Emma Stebbins and Sallie Mercer, Smith mentions several letters and notes, among which are some that were destroyed by him. Byron also mentions Sallie Mercer's (recent?) death. CreditLibrary of Congress, Charlotte…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman and Sallie Mercer to Emma Crow Cushman, Sep 26, 1865

CCP 3, Cushman correspondence 1865 9-11.pdf
Cushman was very worried about not having received a reply from Emma to the degree of feeling "weak & trembly."The man Cushman has instructed to oversee the passage of the horses is not able to speak English, therefore, Ned is supposed to…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to [Unknown], n.d.

NYPL Misc Papers, Cushman CC to unknown, n.d..pdf
In this letter to an unknown recipient, Charlotte Cushman apologizes and declines their invitation during her stay at Bayswater, London since she is very busy and has no "breathing time". She invites the recipient to her home and wishes them…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Annie Fields, Aug 29, 1871

CC to AF, 1871-08-29.pdf
Cushman wants the Field family to come over for a visit, mentioning her bitterness and lack of vitality. The doctor calls her a "miracle" even though she does not feel well, as she admits. Emma Cushman came around to see her and they took off to town…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Dr. Bliss, July 25, 1871

Harvard MS Thr 130. CC to Bliss. 25 July 1871.pdf
Charlotte Cushman inquires about a medical treatment and matters of transport. Credit Houghton Library

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Edwin Booth, July 1, 1871

An exchange of letters in which Charlotte Cushman and Edwin Booth negotiate her salary. Cushman is unsure whether she will be able to return to the stage because of her illness and feels "fearful".

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Edwin Booth, July 12, 1871

Cushman writes to Booth regarding her engagement as Lady Macbeth. Booth wants to engage her for 6 rather than 8 weeks and she inquires whether she could begin work on the 9th of October rather than the 25th of September as she fears her Doctor might…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Edwin Booth, July 19, 1871

Cushman is waiting for a reply from her Doctor as to whether she will be able to act in "Macbeth" for Booth on the 25th of September.

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Edwin Booth, July 27, 1871

Cushman is waiting for word from her Doctor but she feels confident that she will be able to act in "Macbeth" for Booth on the 25th of September. She inquires who will play Macbeth and suggests Davenport.

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Elizabeth Palmer Peabody, July 23, 1869

MHS_Horace Mann Papers_7-23-1869 Cushman letter.pdf
Cushman tells Peabody about the discovery of a lump in her breast, her anxieties, and treatment after consulting several doctors. Cushman is afraid that her public image may suffer if she cannot pursue her social duties, such as responding to the…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, Dec 5-6, 1862

CCP 2, 496-500, CC to ECC Dec 5-6 1862.pdf
As Emma Crow Cushman is married and busy decorating and furnishing her house, Charlotte Cushman thinks nostalgically of more frequent and longer "old time letters." Repeatedly, Charlotte mentions that Emma's husband, and Charlotte's nephew and…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, Aug 1869

CCP 4, 1165-1185, CC to ECC 1869 August (1)-26-28.pdf
Cushman hopes that Ned will remain in America and go into iron business with Clanson. Emma has fallen ill with Scarlet fever and Cushman hopes that Dr. Sully can help her. Cushman herself has had trouble with her leg, breast, and stomach. However,…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, Aug 22, 1869

CCP 4, 1165-1185, CC to ECC 1869 August (1)-7-9.pdf
Cushman's leg is slowly getting better yet is still swollen and inflamed. She offers a home remedy for toothache for Emma's baby.Ned is returning to Boston on August 31. Cushman advises him to borrow money upon his return as the conversion from gold…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, Aug 24, 1869

CCP 4, 1165-1185, CC to ECC 1869 August (1)-17-19.pdf
Cushman's leg is well enough for Sir James to leave her. However, she is to rest in bed so that the wound can heal properly. She is very anxious that her breast cancer will return, but Dr. Gray is optimistic it will not once the gland is removed.…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, Aug 25, 1865

CCP 3, 803-814, CC to ECC 1865, Aug 25.pdf
Cushman had been feeling "dreadfully depressed" due to the sulfur water but her doctor put her on saline chalybeate, which has improved her health significantly. Ned is suffering a few physical ailments as well, which Cushman ascribes to his…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, Aug 28, 1865

CCP 3, 803-814, CC to ECC 1865, Aug 28.pdf
Cushman is glad to hear that Emma, Ned, and their baby are in good health. She is, however, worried about the baby striking his head when he learns to walk and asks Emma to inquire a doctor about some medicine as a precaution. She should also ask…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, Aug 3, 1869

CCP 4, 1165-1185, CC to ECC 1869 August (1)-24-25.pdf
Cushman informs Emma of some political news and is pleased that her "prognostication of three years ago" is turning out correct. Isa Blagden visited Cushman and spent a day with her. The pain sometimes prevents Cushman from getting a full night's…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, Aug 31, 1865

CCP 3, 803-814, CC to ECC 1865, Aug 31.pdf
Cushman is grateful for Emma's words of comfort as her mind is currently "crowded with cares & anxieties of many kinds." She regrets that Emma's baby has a cold and hopes Emma has by now seen Dr. Franco.Cushman asks Emma to convey the latest…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, Dec 26, 1862

CCP 2, 507-512, CC to ECC Dec 26 1862 Omeka.pdf
Charlotte Cushman would like her family to live closer to her, thinking of Ned but Emma Crow Cushman in particular. She mentions translation issues and cultural differences between Rome/Italy and the US. Cushman also informs Emma about the pain in…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, July 5, 1861

CCP 1, 289-290, Letters 1861 July 5 - OV.pdf
Cushman writes Emma that she will be looking out for her at the Worcester station the following evening in case Emma wants Cushman to stay with her. If not, she will continue to Boston and meet her there on Sunday. Leaving Emma leaves her…