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Letter from Emma Stebbins to Anne Whitney, Oct 13, [1869]

1869 Letter from Emma Stebbins Edinburgh Scotland to Anne Whitney.pdf
Emma Stebbins writes to Anne Whitney from Edinburgh to inform her about Charlotte Cushman's state of health. Stebbins hopes to be able to return to Rome soon. Credit Wellesley College Archives

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, Aug 24, 1869

CCP 4, 1165-1185, CC to ECC 1869 August (1)-17-19.pdf
Cushman's leg is well enough for Sir James to leave her. However, she is to rest in bed so that the wound can heal properly. She is very anxious that her breast cancer will return, but Dr. Gray is optimistic it will not once the gland is removed.…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Edwin Cushman, Aug 23, 1869

pdf24_zusammengefügt (3).pdf
Cushman reprimands Ned for his carelessness in regard to writing his letters and paying the postage.She has read Clanson's letter and approves his business proposal. However, he advises Ned to write Clanson another letter and ask Mr. Crow to obtain a…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Helen Hunt Jackson, Aug 23, 1869

Charlotte Cushman's operation, which she calls her "trial," is scheduled for August 26, 1869.Transcripts courtesy of Nancy Knipe, Colorado College.

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, Aug 22, 1869

CCP 4, 1165-1185, CC to ECC 1869 August (1)-7-9.pdf
Cushman's leg is slowly getting better yet is still swollen and inflamed. She offers a home remedy for toothache for Emma's baby.Ned is returning to Boston on August 31. Cushman advises him to borrow money upon his return as the conversion from gold…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, Aug 20, 1869

CCP 4, 1165-1185, CC to ECC 1869 August (1)-1-6.pdf
Cushman has been restricted to bed by her doctor's orders. After a night's rest, he has found the breast hard but intends to consult a professor of surgery before he proceeds.She regrets that Emma's Nannie will not stay with her in Malvern and…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Edwin Cushman, Aug 2, 1869

CCP 4, 1165-1185, CC to ECC 1869 August (1)-22-23.pdf
In this hastily written note, Cushman bids Ned goodbye and safe travels. Credit Library of Congress, Charlotte Cushman Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Helen Hunt Jackson, July 28, 1869

Charlotte Cushman suffers from anxiety alsu due to the prospect that she may have to undergo surgery in Edinburgh with James Simpson.She describes her brother as a "sweet tender womanly natured creature not fit to be a man" who "believes in his…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, July 25, 1869

CCP 4, 1153-1156, CC to ECC 1869 July.pdf
Cushman thanks Emma for the photographs she sent, especially the one of Carlino, which she put in a locket. She jokingly states that Carlino might rival Wayman as the most handsome of the family one day. She asks when Emma and her children will visit…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to James Fields, July 7, 1869

CC to JF, 1869-07-07.pdf
Cushman laments the fact that she was unable to answer Annie Fields's note from Scotland as she has been occupied. She notes that she has not been able to meet with James yet and hopes to see him in the future. Cushman also mentions both Emmas who…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, June 28, 1869

CCP 4, 1134-1143, CC to ECC 1869 June-4-11.pdf
Cushman responds to Emma’s previous letters, expressing how much pain they have caused her. She is shocked that Emma would expect Cushman to tarnish her reputation so willingly. A "poor old worlded woman" exerted "pressure of her stupid little will"…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, June 27, 1869

CCP 4, 1134-1143, CC to ECC 1869 June-1-3.pdf
Cushman is feeling much better because of her water treatment. She deeply misses Emma and her children and hopes that they will join her in Malvern after their return from Paris.Rosalie has improved in health, in part due to Cushman's care, and will…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Helen Hunt Jackson, June 27, [1869?]

Charlotte Cushman is currently undergoing breast cancer treatment. She is surrounded by her friends and with Emma Stebbins.Transcripts courtesy of Nancy Knipe, Colorado College.

"Foreign Gossip," Detroit Free Press, June 7, 1869

1869. Detroit Free Press. Brewster Foreign Gossip- American Artists in Rome.pdf
"Foreign Gossip" is a column in theDetroit Free Press thatgives accounts of any political, cultural, or social news abroad. Anne Brewster has contributed reports from Rome as a correspondent.The included file only serves as an example illustration of…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to James Fields, Sep 5, [1868]

CC to JF, 1868-09-5.pdf
Cushman caught a cold but hopes that she will be well enough to show up at the theater on Monday. Credit Huntington Library, James Thomas Fields Papers and Addenda

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to James Fields, Aug 15, 1868

Letter from CC to JF, August 15, 1868
Cushman tells Fields about her travel plans and how she will go to see the Crow family in St. Louis. She also notifies him of some books she wants him to send. Cushman discusses some financial issues about the books, asking whether his publishing…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Annie and James Fields, July 30, [1868]

Letter from CC to Af and JF, July 30, 1868
Cushman is writing on behalf of herself and Emma Stebbins, inquiring about the well-being of the Fields family and asking the Fields to join them for a trip to the White Mountains. Emma has been ill for several days, they have retreated to a…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to James Fields, July 15, 1868

Letter from CC to JF, July 15, 1868
Cushman has sent packages to London and mentions an essay (written by Elizabeth Peabody as indicated in a letter from Cushman to Annie Fields) about the genius of Hawthorne which may encourage more public attention to the Marble Faun. Cushman…

Letter from Anne Whitney to Sarah Whitney, April 30 - May 13, 1868

1868_Letter from Anne Whitney Rome Italy to Sarah Whitney 1868 Apr_omeka.pdf
Anne Whitney shares intimate knowledge about acquaintances and discusses aspect of Rome's infrastructure and nature. She reports that Charlotte Cushman and Emma Stebbins leave Rome and announces Cushman's readings in the coming fall. Apparently,…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Annie Fields, Feb 26, 1868

Letter from CC to AF, 1868-02-26
Cushman writes to Annie about James Fields, and the Atlantic, thinking that he might want to publish a review written by Elizabeth Peabody about Hawthorne's Marble Faun. Cushman calls Peabody one of the "best & sweetest of Americans" she has met…