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  • Tags: travel/touring

Letter from Grace Greenwood to James Fields, Sep 12, 1849

Huntington, JTFP, Box 40, FI 1779, SJL to JF, Sep 12, 1849.pdf
Greenwood asks Fields to make alterations to her letters written to the National Press and Home Journal. She has arrived in Lynn the day before and met Whittier at the depot. She hopes that Whittier, Whipple, and Fields will arrive in Lynn together…

Letter from Grace Greenwood to James Fields, Sep 22, 1853

Huntington, JTFP, Box 41, FI 1785, SJL to JF, Sep 22, 1853.pdf
Greenwood informs Fields that she has sent materials for the book by express and has decided to retain "Limerick Bells" for the volume. She is not getting well as fast as he has hoped and cannot leave Philadelphia until the middle of the next month.…

Letter from Grace Greenwood to Mr. Welles, Dec 30, 1859

NYPL Misc. GG to Mr. Welles.pdf
Greenwood informs the addressee about the whereabouts of people she knows such as Sarah J. Hale and Mrs. Browning. Credit New York Public Library

Letter from Henry F. Chorley to Charlotte Cushman, Jan 27, 1847

CCP 10, 2943-2959, Chorley to CC, Jan 27, 1847 - OV Omeka.pdf
Chorley informs Cushman that "Mr. Maddox is obviously indifferent to having" her this spring. He writes about the Haymarket Theatre and the "war of these two opera houses is running higher than I had conceived possible & my own position as a…

Letter from Henry F. Chorley to Charlotte Cushman, Mar 7, 1850

CCP 19 Chorley to CC Part 1 Letter 6 OV.pdf
Chorley gives Cushman some advice: "only don't stop in America till you get £30.000. – because, perhaps, by that time you will be used not to want England again." He is outraged over the negative critiques of his play "Duchess Eleanor": "On the…

Letter from Henry F. Chorley to Charlotte Cushman, n.d.

CCP Box 10 Chorley to CC Part 2 Letter 4 OV.pdf
Chorley seems to inform Charlotte Cushman on performance opportunities and lets her in on his trouble with an unnamed gentleman Chorley is doing business with.Credit Library of Congress,Charlotte Cushman Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of…

Letter from Henry F. Chorley to Charlotte Cushman, n.d. [1840s/50s]

CCP Box 10 Chorley to CC Part 2 Letter 3 OV.pdf
Chorley discusses future engangements for Cushman with Mr. Wallack[?] for which he would give her his "Duchess Eleanor" as Cushman is asked to bring a play to be engaged. not dated but must be from the 1840s/50s because Chorley mentions his play…

Letter from Henry F. Chorley to Charlotte Cushman, Oct 28, 1847

CCP Box 10 Chorley to CC Part 2 Letter 5 OV.pdf
Chorley praises Cushman's performance of Queen Katherine and advises her not to be disappointed about less favorable critiques as critics tend to be harsh with new actresses.postmark: Oc 28, 1847; on the first page, it says "Wednesday midnight" which…

Letter from Henry F. Chorley to Charlotte Cushman, Sept 5, 1847

CCP 19 Chorley to CC Part 1 Letter 10 OV.pdf
Chorley writes about the weather and traveling, he also mentions Maddox and Cushman's sister Susan.Credit Library of Congress,Charlotte Cushman Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

Letter from Ned Cushman to Susan Muspratt, n.d. [before June, 1854]

CCP 10.3143-3144, Ned to Susan, presumably 1857 - Omeka file.pdf
The letter describes Ned Cushman's experience in the Naval Academy, Annapolis. It also mentions Charlotte, his aunt, who should have arrived in England at the time. Credit Library of Congress, Charlotte Cushman Papers, Manuscript Division, Library…

Letter from W. Corbyn to Messrs. Ludlow & Smith, Dec 13, 1849

This letter discusses travel arrangements for Charlotte Cushman, Matilda Hays, and Sallie Mercer. Cushman has voiced safety concern that "authorities [...] will seize" her servant or "put a temporary stop" to their traveling when they go to New…

Letter from Wayman Crow to Charlotte Cushman, Oct 10, 1874 + Letter from Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, Oct 13, 1874

CCP 10, WC to CC, Oct 10, 1874.pdf
This letter informs Cushman about the opportunity to "dispose of Villa Cushman" which is also referred to as her "cottage." Attached to it, there is the legal letter correspondence. Crow is Cushman's attorney.Cushman uses the same sheets of paper to…

Macready and Cushman, Boston Evening Transcript, November 14, 1843

Boston Evening Transcript, November 14, 1843, page 2 - annotated.pdf
On page 2, the paper speculates or utters wishful thinking about a theater performance involving both Macready and Cushman, performing Shakespearean roles. Given the context of false reports about Cushman accompanying Macready on his Southern tour…

Macready's Diary – Cushman mentions (edited by Toynbee, 1912)

Macready's Diary Screenshot.JPG
The diary entries depict an interesting dynamic between Macready's and Cushman's relationship. There is no diary entry from the beginning of January, 1844, when Cushman published her poem about Macready in the Anglo American Journal. Usually,…

Record of the Metropolitan Fair in Aid of the United States Sanitary Commission Held at New York in April 1864

1864. Metropolitan Fair US Sanitary Commission excerpt. Omeka.pdf
The excerpt praises Cushman's performance of "Macbeth" together with Edwin Booth retrospectively""It was perhaps the most memorable of all the public performances given to the Sanitary Commission."The record ispublished in 1867, three years after the…

Sanitary Commission Performance, Sept 12, 1863

The Library Company of Philadelphia collects the following original wording from a document that advertises Cushman's performance. The document was found in a scrapbook:"Academy of Music. Benefit of the United States Sanitary Commission on Saturday…

Strang's Players and Plays of the Last Quarter Century (1902)

Strang's Players and Plays of the Last Quarter Century (1902) p. 226f..JPG
Strang deems Stebbins's biography of Charlotte Cushman to be untrue in parts. Strang gives a detailed account of Cushman's performances and describes Macready as a decisive factor in Cushman's career, the major career boost. Credit Hathi Trust

Transcript of Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Rosalie, April 18 + 25, 1875

JLP 1, CC to Rosalie, April 18, 1875 - OV Omeka.pdf
Charlotte Cushman wants Rosalie to get a baby girl, discusses her health, Ned's business. Cushman informs Rosalie that she is in Newport at the moment and will go to Baltimore in April for an engagement. Charlotte would like to be with Rosalie or…

Transcript of Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Rosalie, Dec 22, 1874

JLP 1, CC to Rosalie, Dec 22, 1874.pdf
Lately, Cushman has been very ill again. She made Stebbins write to Rosalie. Rosalie's sister Mabel is supposed to marry: "make her sensible of the obligation she has taken upon herself - & and its serious importance upon her whole life. A…

Transcript of Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Rosalie, Feb 13, 1874

JLP 1, CC to Rosalie, Feb 13, 1874.pdf
Charlotte Cushman writes to her niece about being ill and an abscess under her arm. Cushman discusses work and family issues. Transcripts by Jennie LorenzCredit Library of Congress, Charlotte Cushman Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of…