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Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, Oct 4, 1865

CCP 3, Cushman correspondence 1865 15-17.pdf
Cushman has been feeling physically weaker and her disappointment in various people has added to her suffering. Especially Emma Stebbins' infidelity has affected her and only Emma Cushman's love has "[kept her] above drowning."Upon her arrival in…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Edwin Cushman, Aug 2, 1869

CCP 4, 1165-1185, CC to ECC 1869 August (1)-22-23.pdf
In this hastily written note, Cushman bids Ned goodbye and safe travels. Credit Library of Congress, Charlotte Cushman Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, Aug 20, 1869

CCP 4, 1165-1185, CC to ECC 1869 August (1)-1-6.pdf
Cushman has been restricted to bed by her doctor's orders. After a night's rest, he has found the breast hard but intends to consult a professor of surgery before he proceeds.She regrets that Emma's Nannie will not stay with her in Malvern and…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, Aug 22, 1869

CCP 4, 1165-1185, CC to ECC 1869 August (1)-7-9.pdf
Cushman's leg is slowly getting better yet is still swollen and inflamed. She offers a home remedy for toothache for Emma's baby.Ned is returning to Boston on August 31. Cushman advises him to borrow money upon his return as the conversion from gold…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Edwin Cushman, Aug 23, 1869

pdf24_zusammengefügt (3).pdf
Cushman reprimands Ned for his carelessness in regard to writing his letters and paying the postage.She has read Clanson's letter and approves his business proposal. However, he advises Ned to write Clanson another letter and ask Mr. Crow to obtain a…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, Aug 24, 1869

CCP 4, 1165-1185, CC to ECC 1869 August (1)-17-19.pdf
Cushman's leg is well enough for Sir James to leave her. However, she is to rest in bed so that the wound can heal properly. She is very anxious that her breast cancer will return, but Dr. Gray is optimistic it will not once the gland is removed.…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, July 5, 1861

CCP 1, 289-290, Letters 1861 July 5 - OV.pdf
Cushman writes Emma that she will be looking out for her at the Worcester station the following evening in case Emma wants Cushman to stay with her. If not, she will continue to Boston and meet her there on Sunday. Leaving Emma leaves her…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, Aug 21, 1865

CCP 3, 803-814, CC to EC, Aug 21, 1865.pdf
Emma will soon travel from Versailles to Paris to meet her sister and mother. Cushman offers Emma some advice for her stay and suggests leaving the baby with the nurse in Versailles so that she has less work on her hands.Cushman is not surprised by…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, Aug 28, 1865

CCP 3, 803-814, CC to ECC 1865, Aug 28.pdf
Cushman is glad to hear that Emma, Ned, and their baby are in good health. She is, however, worried about the baby striking his head when he learns to walk and asks Emma to inquire a doctor about some medicine as a precaution. She should also ask…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Henry C. Willard, Dec 2, 1871

NYPL Misc Papers MssCol 9069 Cushman letters misc Dec 2, 1871.pdf
Cushman is uncertain whether she will be able to come to Brattleboro on Dec 21 or 22, as her engagement at the theatre is taking up all her time. Credit New York Public Library

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Henry C. Willard, Dec 8, 1871

NYPL Misc Papers MssCol 9069 Cushman letters misc Dec 8, 1871.pdf
Cushman has arranged to come to Brattleboro on Dec 22. She asks Willard for advice on which railway to take from New Haven to Brattleboro and back. Credit New York Public Library

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Henry C. Willard, Nov 22, 1871

NYPL Misc Papers MssCol 9069 Cushman letters misc Nov 22, 1871.pdf
Willard has asked Cushman to do a reading of Shakespeare's Henry VIII in Brattleboro in January. She demands $500 for five nights in advance. Credit New York Public Library

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Algernon Chase, Oct 8, 1857

NYPL Misc Papers MssCol 9069 Cushman letters misc Oct 8, [1850s].pdf
Cushman writes to Chase family in Baltimore about their invitation. She alerts them to the fact that Emma Stebbins will accompany her – even though they might have expected to see her still in the company of Matilda Hays (who is, however, as Cushman…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Mr. Danop, Oct 16, 1863

NYPL Misc Papers MssCol 9069 Cushman letters misc Oct 16, 1863.pdf
Cushman verifies Oct 27 as the date for her charity performance. She has prepared the roles of Lady Macbeth and Meg Merrilees. Credit New York Public Library

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to John Povey, Oct 17, 1847

NYPL, CC to John Povey, Oct 17, 1847. Omeka.pdf
Cushman discusses financial issues, theaters as potentially attracting "vulgar" audiences, the future of the US-American and English drama, Macready's rivalry with Edwin Forrest, newspaper reviews of her performances ("Have them copied when they will…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to George Combe, Nov 21, 1845

NLS, ms7275, 28, Charlotte Cushman to George Combe, Nov 21, 1845.pdf
Cushman presents herself as shocked and surprised at the "gross motive [that] might be attributed" to her performance of Romeo on stage together with her sister Susan: "your hints have only plunged me into trouble — for I find the subject, in a new…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, Dec 26, 1862

CCP 2, 507-512, CC to ECC Dec 26 1862 Omeka.pdf
Charlotte Cushman would like her family to live closer to her, thinking of Ned but Emma Crow Cushman in particular. She mentions translation issues and cultural differences between Rome/Italy and the US. Cushman also informs Emma about the pain in…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to William Wetmore Story, May 31, 1858

CCP 16 misc CC to WW Story May 31 1858 Omeka.pdf
Charlotte Cushman orders a copy of one of Story's statuettes and asks about one of his poems for her to read. She also informs him about taking a break from stage and reading performances ("I want a long rest from public life") and her moving to Rome…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, Aug 17, 1865

CCP 3, 841-843, CC to ECC Aug 17, 1865. Omeka.pdf
Charlotte Cushman discusses health issues, UK accommodation costs, how important it is to know French for one's reputation in Rome, and hints at a potential future pregnancy of Emma Crow referring to her son's "little sister who means to come some…

Letter from Charlotte Cushman to Emma Crow Cushman, n.d.

CCP 3, 846-847, CC to ECC, nd. Omeka.pdf
Charlotte Cushman discusses accommodation arrangements and laments the physical distance between her and Emma, she "cannot bear to have you down there & I up here." Credit Library of Congress, Charlotte Cushman Papers, Manuscript Division,…